Chapter 1

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Quick little disclaimer before things kick off: I don't own the Harry Potter universe or the lovely characters of Flashpoint. The only thing in this I own is Tori.

Life had taken a very odd turn for Harry Potter. One moment he was part of a battle to drive Death Eaters out of Hogwarts, and the next he was standing in a Canadian airport with his headmaster, his friends, and the one who had let the Death Eaters in the castle in the first place.

"Why are we here again?" Draco asked examining the Muggles rushing about with disdain.

"It will be the safest place for all of you at the moment." Dumbledore answered without glancing up from the knitting magazine he had pulled from out of nowhere on the plane.

"How on earth can this be safer than Hogwarts?" Harry asked.

"And why do we have to be here?" George asked.

Fred added on, "We're old enough to be useful to the Order.

"It's the way things need to be at the moment, but if it makes you two feel better you're an extra bit of protection for the others. Now, there is much that needs to be explained to both sides of this arrangement, and I would prefer for both sides to be here."

Hermione slammed her book shut. "Sir when exactly is this other wizard going to be here? It's nearly been two hours since our plane has landed."

"She probably got caught up with something at work, it shouldn't be too much longer now. And she's not exactly a wizard."

Ginny raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean not exactly a wizard?"

"She has the bloodline, and quite possibly the power, she just doesn't believe it enough to try."

Draco opened his mouth to comment but was interrupted by Fred. "Incoming. Very frazzled female moving towards us fast. I have a Sickle that says it's the wizard we are waiting for. Anyone want to take the bet?"

By then she had reached them. "Sorry I'm late. There was a bomb in a library, except it wasn't a bomb, it was a distraction so that we wouldn't find the real bomb which was in the part across the street. Thing went off, city was a mess, the paperwork was a mess, our bomb guy is now a mess, and now I'm late so this is a mess. Gosh I said the word mess like four times in one sentence."

The only one who wasn't staring at her lie she was nuts was Dumbledore. "Sounds like quite the day. But perhaps we should get to someplace a little less populated before we discuss everything we need to cover in the short amount of time we have."

"Brilliant idea Dumbledore, but I would like to know the names of the people I'm about to cram into my truck."

"Ah, yes. Of course. This is Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Fred and George Weasley, and Draco Malfoy."

She had been messing with her keys and following Dumbledore's gestures and nodding with each name, but she froze at Draco's. "Malfoy?"

Draco immediately went of the defensive. "Something wrong with my name?"

"Except for the fact that it's mine?"

Now everyone was frozen. Draco blinked several times to refocus himself. "What?"

"As I said earlier a lot needs to be explained to both sides. And I would prefer to not do that in an airport."

"Either you're going to need to do some magic on my truck, or some of you are sitting on the floor and hoping we don't get into an accident." She said before heading towards the door.

They all hurried to catch up. Harry ended up being to only soul brave enough to actually walk next to her. Or the only one who was willing to walk fast enough to keep pace. "You never told us what your name is."

"I guess I didn't. Sorry I got a bit of a shock there. I'm Tori. Tori Malfoy."

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