Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The next morning it proved to be a bit more difficult to get everyone out of bed in time to get to the station in time for workout. By the time they made it there Team One was wrapping up.

Eddie spotted them first. "So they haven't been scared off yet?"

Tori rolled her eyes. "Obviously not."

"You good Tor?"


He nodded. "Well at risk of further pushing of the grand tour, we were thinking of running some drills. If you all are interested."

A slow grin spread across Tori's face. "Any specific drills?"

"I was think starting with talk and then hitting the range if we still don't get a call."

"Brilliant. Who's up first?"

Sarge spoke up. "I was think you and Eddie play unstable junkies while Sam tries to keep you from taking out Wordy and Jules."


The Brits moved to stand by Sarge and Spike as Eddie and Tori snagged some fake Glocks and trained them on Wordy and Jules.

Sam opened things up. "I'm Sam Braddock, I'm part of the SRU. I just want to talk.

Tori glanced at Eddie who gave her a nod. She would be the talker, he would be the silent one. "Well talk."

"Can you tell me why we're all here today."

"How can I? I have no idea why you're here."

Sam was using all his restraint to not roll his eyes. "We got a call that there were people with guns. That's something polie take seriously."

"Yeah? Well this isn't really any of your business, so you all can just head on home."

"I can't do that."

"Well there's nothing else you can do."

"Look, I'm not here to argue. What will it take so we can all go home."

Tori smirked. In the field Sam was great at talk if he needed to do it. In the training room, he just wanted to get things over as soon as possible, and that quite often led to major screwups. "Yeah? How 'bout some coke? Get us a couple ounces and this is over."

Sam hesitated.

"Did you hear me?"

Eddie spoke. "I don't think he's taking us seriously."

Sam tried deescalate. "I'm taking this very seriously. But I can't get you drugs. You both are smart enough to know that.

"I pegged you as smart enough to figure out how to manipulate the system. You have thirty seconds."

"Let's just hit pause and talk this out."

"Twenty." She readjusted my grip on the fake gun.

Sam struggled to think of something to say.


Sam snapped. "I'm not getting you cocaine!"

"Bang, bang." Eddied said motioning to Wordy and Jules.

Tori put the fake gun down. "That was pathetic Braddock. Get your head in the game."

"Guess I'm a bit out of practice."

The alarm started going off.

Before joining the sprint to the locker room Spike called to Tori, "Second conference room is open. Go stealth though. Toth is doing interviews with Team 3 in One."

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