Chapter 2

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In the end Dumbledore did cast a spell on the truck to make room so they can all sit inside comfortably. "If you just leave it like this will any non-magical people notice?"

"Not if you put the right spin on the story." He said.

"Great. Then leave it." She said as she unlocked the door to her house. "Welcome Ladies and gents to La Casa de Malfoy. If you want to fight over who's sleeping where now, go for it. If like me you want to understand what the hell is going on then just toss your stuff by the door and find a seat." She said sitting on the floor with her back leaning against the end of the couch.

Everyone immediately tossed their bags aside and found a place to sit.

"So what do you want to know first?"

"How about a little more information on the person you're going to leave us with for who knows how long?" Ron said.

"Tori can tell most of her story to you later if she wishes to share it. The main thing is she will keep you safe. She has a set of skills and training that makes her dangerous to people who cross her."

Tori smirked. "I know how most of this bit goes, but tell them about who I came from."

"Ah, yes. I'm sure that will answer many questions. Tori is the daughter of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy."

"But that's impossible. I don't have any siblings, let alone a sister." Draco burst out.

Tori's dark brown eyes got even darker. "Figures daddy dearest wouldn't bring up the fact that he abandoned his child because she wasn't everything he was hoping for. Not only did he give me up for adoption, he took me to America to do it."

"My parents wouldn't-"

"Maybe our mother wouldn't. I don't know because I know nothing about her. But I do know I tracked him down a couple of years ago. He said I've been as good as dead to him since the day he left me outside the first police station he found."

Silence feel over the room and stayed long enough to become awkward. Finally Fred broke it. "So did you know you had a brother?"

"Yeah. Lucius made it clear that baby number two was a fitting replacement." She adjusted her ponytail, and changed the subject by pointing a question at Dumbledore. "Why are they here? I get that need protecting and you've kept me informed on all the not so lovely things happening in your world, but how am I supposed to keep them safe from an enemy that has better tricks than me?"

"Voldemort has suffered a major blow that will take time for him to recover from. He wants to go undetected while he recovers and rebuilds his numbers. At the same time it would be convenient for him to go after Harry if the opportunity presents itself."

"That doesn't explain how being with me keeps them safe. The enemy must have magic stronger than theirs if they need my protection, but here's the thing I don't think you understand: I don't have magic."

"On the contrary you do. You just don't want to believe it. Which is odd given your infatuation with Disney."

"Disney?" George whispered.

"It's Muggle company that has pretty much taken over the animated film industry." Hermione whispered back.

"What does that have to do with magic?"

"I have no clue how to explain Disney magic to you. You need to experience it yourself."

"How am I supposed to fight a wizard and win Dumbledore?" Tori asked holding her arms out in exasperation.

"Voldemort doesn't want to draw attention to himself. Using magic draws attention."

"So you're telling me that if he's going after these guys he's going to fight like a Muggle?"

"As long as the confrontation happens in a public place."

"Do you really think he's going to come all the way out here?"

"I have no idea what he's going to do in that sense, but it is better to be prepared and have nothing happen than to be caught off guard." He stood. "I think that answers all the questions that you can't answer for each other. I will keep in contact, and return to bring you back to Hogwarts for the next school year."

"Wait, that's it? You're just going to leave us here with a total stranger who we know nothing about?" Draco asked.

"Actually Draco she's not a total stranger she's your older sister. As for the not knowing anything about it each other, you'll have all summer to learn something. Good luck to you all." With that final statement he walked out the back door. The click of the door closing was punctuated by the crack of him Apparating away.

Tori sighed and stood up. "Well then, I'm starving. Who wants some pizza?"

Three boxes of meat lover's pizza later and the debate of sleeping arrangements was well underway. "Ok look guys I only have one actual guest room. Divvy that how you want, but the remaining people have can either all sleep in the basement or have someone crash on the couch in the living room."

Her words were met with resounding silence. "If I have to be the bad guy and divide it up myself, I will." Still getting nothing back she sighed and drank the last of her iced tea. "Fine, Ginny and Hermione get the guest room. The boys are banished to the basement. If someone still wants the couch they are welcome to it."

"I guess I'll have the couch then." Draco said

Tori nodded approvingly. "Now that that's sorted go put your stuff away and then prepare yourselves for the wonderful world of Disney. Because based on what I heard earlier you guys are horribly deprived."

Everyone returned to the living room ten minutes later to find Tori in sweatpants and a tank top sitting on the floor trying to explain the finer details of Disney movies to Draco. "Dude you're just going to have to deal with it because pretty much all of theses are in essence musicals. That is part of the charm of a Disney movie."

"So what are we watching?" Ginny asked taking a seat next to Harry on the couch.

Tori glanced at them. "I'm thinking of kicking it off with the Lion King, followed by Mulan, and then if anyone wishes to continue to be awake Frozen. And is anyone else in this little group together or is it just you and Harry?"
Everyone looked startled. Tori looked up innocently. "What am I wrong?"

"No." Ginny said.

"Just how did you figure it out so bloody quickly?" Ron asked.

"A big part of my job is being able to read people. Now tell me Ron are you and Granger together or do you two have yet to admit your feelings to each other yet?"

Ron and Hermione both turned bright red and looked anywhere but at each other.

"Whoops. That answers my question." Tori said as she finished setting up the movie and plopped down in the spot that the twins made for her between them.

"What happened there?" Fred asked pointing to the bandage on her collarbone.

Tori kept her eyes on the screen as she answered. "I got shot." Feeling them all staring at her in shock she rushed to explain. "I'm alive and well. It's not as big a deal as you think. Getting shot at and staring down the barrels of guns is actually a big part of my job description. I've been worse and I've seen worse. My only issue right now is that I can't go back to work until the doctor clears me."

"Didn't you show up late to get us because something came up at work?" George asked.

"Yes well I go to the station a lot, but I'm not allowed to do any of the training, workouts, or go out on calls. And I can't clock in. I pretty much go there because I have nothing better to do and I can't stand the idea of my team going out there without me to help them figure the situation out."

"What do you do?" Harry asked.

"I probably should have led with that. I work for the Strategic Response Unit. We're badass cops who are trained to defuse some very dangerous situations. Now hush yourselves, the movie is about to start. And be warned, I know all the words to all the songs, and I will sing them."

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