Chapter 4

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"Bravo team what's going on?" Eddie asked.

"Got a little hung up explaining to a neighbor why we were traipsing through the backyard. We're in position now." Sam replied.

"Alright we move on my go."

"What on earth are they saying?" Hermione asked, exasperated by the fact she had no clue what was going on.

"Calm down brainiac. They're just relaying info to each other. They split into two groups to cover both sides of the building. Sam's group just took too long to get in place for Eddie's liking. Eddie's team leader so he calls the tactical shots so he gets to say when they bust in."

"I thought you said you did talk before tactical."

"In most situations, but not when you're going after a gang very well known for not coming quietly when cops go in for an arrest."

Any further discussion was interrupted by the sounds of gunfire being exchanged as Team One entered the building.

Ginny's eyes went wide. "Are they dead?"

"They're tough. They'll be fine." Tori's confident words were betrayed by her nervous finger tapping.

"Team One status." Sarge's voice came over the headset.

Spike, Wordy, and Sam sound off with a series of "No harm."

Jules came on next. "No harm and Ed and I have two subjects in custody."

Tori let a breath out. "So?"

"Honestly not as exciting as we thought." George said.

"Yeah, warrants are kind of boring-"

"Team One hot call! We've got a call about a guy on a bridge. Team Three's still dealing with the hostages at the coffee shop. And can call in Team Four, but you're close to the location." Winnie said.

"Things are pretty much wrapped up here. Give us the location Winnie, we're on the way." Sarge said.

Tori sat up straight and started fiddling with the laptop, and putting on an earpiece."Now you can see what we really do."

"Boss the name is Nick Watson." Jules said.

"Thanks Jules. Spike-"

"Already on it. And Tori I know you're plugged in. Want to help?"

Tori smirked as she began her search. "Twenty says I find something useful before you do."

"What are you looking for?" Hermione asked.

"I knew this you draw you out. We're looking for anything that can tell us why this guy is trying to kill himself and something that we can use to convince him to hold on."

"What if he doesn't want to hold on?" Draco asked quietly.

Tori swallowed. "Then he dies and no matter how much we're going to think the opposite there is nothing we could have done."

"That sounds like the hardest thing to see." Harry said.

Tori gave a half smile. "When it goes well it's the best feeling in the world, when it goes wrong there's only one thing that feels worse....Flying fladoodle cakes. Hold that thought. Sarge I've got something."

"I'm thinking I just found the same thing she found. This is not going to be fun Sarge."

"Well someone explain."

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