Chapter 3

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Draco woke up to the cupboard doors being slammed in the kitchen. After five minutes of trying to tune it out, he gave up and went to investigate. "Do you really have to make so much noise?"

"Sorry, not used to having other people in the house."

He sat down at one of the barstools at the breakfast bar. "So.... what are you making?"

"Your conversational skills need work my friend. Bacon and eggs. That shouldn't get too many complaints right?"

"No that'll be fine."

Silence fell. Neither one of them knew what to say to each other. After five minutes Tori tried to break it. "So what did you do?"


"They all seem pretty close, but you're on the outside. Why?"

"I've never gotten along with any of them. But I made things worse by letting Death Eaters into the castle."

"Why would you do that? Even if you don't like Harry, you unleashed psychopathic killers on a bunch of innocent kids."

"Because that's what I was told to do. I am one. So are my parents." He paused. "Our parents."

"Oh no, you can keep them to yourself. I'm perfectly fine with having nothing to do with them. Now for the more pressing issue. If you're one of them, why are you here?"

"Dumbledore gave me a second chance. My mission wasn't just to let the Death Eaters in, it was to kill Dumbledore, and I couldn't do it. I don't want to be part of that world anymore. So Dumbledore decided to hide me too, so I can have a chance to prove I'm done with them. And probably to protect me. I've proved to be weak, so they'll try to kill me off."

"That doesn't prove you're weak. That proves you have a soul."

"It doesn't matter anyway. I'll be dead soon enough. They won't be able to trust me enough to back me up in a fight."

Tori sat down next to him. "Maybe they don't right now. But they just need to see that you're different now."

"But what if I'm not? What if people can't change?"

"People can change. I see it every day. Sometimes it's for better and sometimes it's for worse." She paused hearing footsteps running up the stairs from the basement. "Unless you're convinced this conversation is on hold. Better that way anyway. It's too early for me to be channeling my inner Greg Parker."

"Who's Greg Parker?"George asked strolling into the kitchen as Tori's phone started playing the NCIS theme song.

"The reason my phone is ringing right now." Tori said picking it up. "Hey Sarge, what's up?"

Hermione and Ginny walked. "What's going on?"

"Shh." Fred and George said. "We're trying to figure out who Greg Parker is."

"Who?" Ginny asked."

Tori heard them and threw the empty bacon packaging at them. "Yes I am alive. I figured I should hold off a day or two before submitting them to the hell of getting up at four in the morning that would be followed by the chaos of a call. If they want to check it out we'll be by later. And before you ask, yes I'm fine. Great. Peachy even. Have a nice day. Bye."

"So who was that?" Ron asked reaching for a slice of the bacon she had finished cooking while she was on the phone.

"My Sergeant. He's pretty much the concerned dad of the team. he was just calling to make sure I was alive because I didn't show up today."

"Why would you need to channel your inner him?" Harry asked.

"When I needed to give an inspirational speech, or talk someone into or out of something. He's the best one on the team at talkdowns." Tori replied handing out plates and silverware.

Everyone Has A Second Chance (Harry Potter and Flashpoint Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now