Chapter Three

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My head was spinning and as my eyes opened I was feeling lost. I was looking up at a brown material, light seeping through a small flap in it. I let out a groan as I looked around, realizing that I was wrapped in a wool blanket. I started to pull my arms out, only to have pain shoot through my wrist. I let out a hiss of breath, not being able to even see my hands to know why they were in so much pain. My mind was a mess and only small bits and pieces of what had happened flooded through.

And like a shock, everything came back vividly. I closed my eyes, wishing I hadn’t remembered. I’m not even sure how long I’ve been passed out. I’m exactly sure if I even want to know for that matter. I rolled over in the blanket, my body stiff and sore. My head felt better. It still hurt, but the pain had subsided some from what I could remember of it. I tried to arch my back, and I forced myself to do so, even though it hurt my wrists and ankles. I could feel several bones cracking, not even to mention hearing them.

I heard the sounds of heavy footsteps outside the tent and I quickly slowed my breathing, shutting my eyes and pretending to sleep. I peeked through one to see the man who had tackled me and brought me back. I watched as he moved around in the tent. He wasn’t really paying attention to me, not even once looking over. I watched as he reached into a large bag and pulled out a thick tube before grabbing a cloth. I quickly shut my eye when he started to turn in my direction. As much as I tried to breathe steadily I just held my breath instead. I felt a hand move through my hair on the right side of my head where my wound was. There was a careful pulling as his fingers carefully started to tug away the bandage.

When his hands left my head I didn’t dare to steal a glance at what was going on. I held my breath and just stayed still, trying the best I could no to move at all. But all of a sudden there was a stinging to my head and my eyes snapped open as I turned my head away. A hand reached out and caught my head, forcing it back. “Look whose up.” He growled while pressing the cloth back to my head and I whimpered. “Of course it hurts, I’m cleaning it out.” I tried to yank my head away again, but his fingers dug in and I winced. “So Miss Princess Eris, what brought you into the woods?”

“Nothing.” I snapped, grimacing at him.

“I don’t buy that.” My nose crinkled up and I spit in his face. One of his hands moved down, clamping against my throat. My body rocked as the airway was cut off as I tried to wiggle free from his grasp. “You knock it off.” He snapped and his hand released from my neck, leaving me gasping for air. His hands moved back as he placed another cloth bandage on my head before staring down at me. I averted my eyes from his, not wanting to look at him. “You are to do exactly as I say, do you understand me? If you want to stay alive and keep your little Dane country alive, you best help us at Trittan. Your bastard father killed our leader.”

“He didn’t!” I croaked out, just now feeling how dry my mouth was.

“Yeah, right.” The man said, his eyes narrowing. “What’s your name? Some sort of herb, isn’t it?”

“What’s with the sudden change in topic?” I snapped, rolling my eyes.

“What is it?” He asked again as I just glared at him.

“Sage.” I spat, glaring at him. “What the hell do you want with me?”

“We’re going to get your father to come get you and then get out pay back.” The man smiled wryly, looking down at me. His fingers moved over my temple, “You are very pretty for being so beat up right now.”

“Disgusting.” I snarled, trying to get my hands free, which only made me cry out. I turned my head away as his finger trailed lightly over my cheek. “Don’t touch me!”

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