Chapter Sixteen

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Authors Note: Okay, this has quite a bit of swearing. I'm not changing the rating because this is the only chapter it will be in. If you don’t like it I’m very sorry but it just how the characters are. If you don’t want to read that, skip down to the --- and there won’t be as much. I believe there is only one there so we’re good!(:



I was shaking by the time Zaleck and I got back to his house. I’m not sure if what it was from, it could be from several things. It could be from the pain I felt, the guilt, the frustration, or maybe betrayal. I don’t care which it is.

A hand was on my back, leading me forward, but only for a millisecond. I side stepped, biting my lip.

“Sage…” I heard and I just shook my head.


A hand was on my arm, so softly that I almost didn’t do anything. It was nice to have something of such gentle care be touching me.

“Don’t touch me.” I said through gritted teeth, goose bumps forming over my skin.

“Sage, please-”

“Don’t!” I snapped, tears welling up. “Don’t say ‘Sage’ don’t say ‘please’ don’t try to apologize to me don’t try to make things better!” I yelled, turning and slamming a hand into Zaleck’s chest. “You kissed me last night! You pretend like everything has been perfect and you let someone touch me! You let people hurt me!” I was losing it. My head was pounding, thoughts combining. “You piece of shit! You lying bastard!” I screamed, my fists pounding on his chest, tears leaking from my eyes.

What was even worse was he was letting me scream and hit him, just standing there, taking it. “Fuck you! Fuck you!” I yelled, reaching towards his face and smacking him clearly across it. His eyes had closed for it, but his head hadn’t even moved a centimeter. “You miserable person! How dare you!” I shoved his chest but he didn’t take a step back so I shoved it again. “Don’t you ever touch me, don’t talk to me, don’t look at me!” I gave another shot at slapping him across the face and he let me, his cheeks burning red. “I hate you! I hate you! I hate Eb, I hate Trittan I hate everything about what you’ve done!” By now I was losing my momentum and I was sobbing. I’m sure my words were barely even understandable. I shoved his chest one last time before sliding down his legs, burying my head in my knees. I was sobbing loudly, my breath catching as my face was wet from salted tears.

My body was convulsing, shaking miserably as I cried into my only comfortable person, myself. I felt a hand on my shoulder and his knees in my back. “Don’t touch me!” I screamed, my voice coarse but loud. His hand immediately recoiled. 

“Don’t touch me!” I screamed as his hands went completely around me and I was lifted off the ground. “Let me go!” As much as I wanted it to come out a yell, it didn’t. It was a sad and pathetic noise and I kicked a few times, but had no strength to do more as I was carried to the bedroom.

I was set gently down onto the mattress and a blanket was draped over me. My eyes were closing the second I hit the bed, not only because I was tired and stressed, but because they hurt so much. “I hate you…” I mumbled as his hand brushed hair that had stuck to my cheeks away.

“I know…” He murmured, an emotion that I couldn’t detect at the moment flooding out. Maybe regret, but I’m too out of it to know, let alone care.

“Fuck you…” I snapped one last time before he was no longer in the room and I was falling apart inside.


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