Chapter Eleven

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What a weird sensation. My head felt like it was on fire. Absolutely on fire. I was waking from my heavy sleep too, my eyes heavy. I let out a groan, turning my head slightly. There it was again, my head burning. Wake up. There were the two words pulling through my head. Maybe I was just dreaming.

Another groan escaped my lips as my eyes slowly moved open. My vision was blurred over, but there were three dark shapes in the bedroom, one leaning over me. There were murmuring voices and I didn’t know what was going on. “Zaleck?” I whispered, looking up at the figure that was leaning over me, but he wasn’t looking at me.

“I told you, we needed to get her out before she woke up!” Someone hissed and the head quickly snapped towards me. My heart lurched as I stared up at a familiar looking man, dark eyes, wicked smile, crazed. My lip started to tremble and I opened my mouth quickly, trying to let out a scream. The hand covered my mouth, a thick glove over it.

“Don’t even try.” The hair on my scalp was being yanked on, and I felt blood trickling through my sticky hair, just along the hair line. My sounds were muffled as the other two men easily picked me up as I writhed; one holding my legs snapped shut and the other one grabbing my arms to my sides. And the first man of the evening keeping a tight hand over my mouth and other hand wrapped in my hair.

“Let’s go.” A gruff voice said before I was moved downstairs. My body slammed against the walls as I struggled, hoping to make as much noise as possible. I wanted Zaleck to hear me. Where the hell was he anyway?

I tried to cry out, but my head was just yanked harder. And unlike be scared with Zaleck when he captured me, I was completely unnerved about these men. Zaleck at least could be seen with a soft side when his eyes changed, or how he bandaged my head and took care of it. These men were beyond that.

My eyes moved around frantically to see a figure on the ground, body sprawled out. But there we were, moving right past him and to the door. No, he needs to wake up and he needs to wake up now. I attempted to scream again, but nothing happened. My heart was pounding and I was confused as what to do.

Then we were outside and I was tossed into the backseat of the car, between two of the men while the first man was in the drivers’ seat. The car lurched forward and I collided into the man to the left of me. I closed my eyes, and let out a scream. It was more of a screech, long and cracking, but a hand covered my mouth once more.

I think I’ve been caught in this situation before. Maybe it was just destined for me to be thrown around my men and held captive for some reason. Maybe they weren’t holding me captive though. That thought, that is what scared me. Maybe they didn’t need me alive, unlike Eb, which I’m sure is the only reason Zaleck is keeping such a close eye on me. I can assume they just hated Dane and wanted me dead.

I was starting to panic, and my breathing was growing faster as I hyperventilated. I was gasping for air, choking it down and sputtering out. It was difficult with the hand over my mouth, making it harder to pull in enough oxygen. I could feel my chest throbbing as it rose up and down violently and even though I tried to lean forward and place my head between my legs, I couldn’t. The men were holding me back against the seat.

This continued for a long period of time as we just kept going, no one speaking. I don’t know how long it was, but my breathing was just getting worse, and no one seemed to notice. Just as I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, the car slammed to a stop. I tried to look around, but it was too dark. The doors flung open and one of the men pulled me out of the car by my arm. I looked towards an abandoned cabin. There was nothing around us but blank fields. This was bad. Even if I got away, they would see where I go. The forest had trees. I could have hidden if I got away from Zaleck. I also could have found a familiar area, but I didn’t know a single layout of Trittan.

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