Chapter 2

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"In my book, experience outranks everything." -CT-7567, Clone Captain "Rex"


It hadn't been hard to track the sniper. Obviously new at the new Mandolorian armor thing, he had strutted through the streets of Mos Espa. Apparently, he enjoyed the fact that most people thought he was the actual Boba Fett.

So when one overconfident thug steals the best armor in the galaxy and flounces around like a Coroscanti Empire Day parade flower girl, people talk. This guy was ruining my reputation.

The sniper was talking to a cloaked man huddled in between the corner of a building. The cloaked man's mouth was moving at a fast rate, and the imposter was nodding his head curtly. Perhaps he was trying to take a job as the infamous Boba Fett, myself, of course.

Idiot, I thought. You didn't take jobs in public streets and hope nobody will overhear. Most of the time, I discussed the bounty with my clients on a secure comm channel, or a private room in a cantina. This mercenary seemed little more than an amateur with a knack for sniping.

     Viewing this all from a distant rooftop, and eyeing their conversation with some binoculars, I thought, I can't figure out what they're saying. I was always hopeless at lip-reading. Lilian was always better at that. My thoughts drifted back to my half-adopted-step-sister, Lilian Fett.

Lil had been found by Jango, abandoned in a run-down village, while he was out on a job. He had brought her back with him to Kamino around the same time the Kaminoans "created" me. We were the about the same age, Lil a few months older than  we had met on a job, along with Cad Bane, and the Trandosian Korrsk. We had kept in touch for a brief amount of time after that, but once the Galactic Empire was established, we lost contact.

     I lowered the binoculars from my face. Thankfully, the sniper wouldn't know I was coming. Teyor, unbeknownst to him, had convinced the imposter I was dead. He probably told him that he had found the armor off some dead body in a street, and the disgusting, flesh-eating bore rats had taken care of the remains.

     I reached down and secured the DH-17 blaster pistol to it's holster. The DH-17 was a personal favorite of mine. Fully automatic, a decent range, and a small scope attached to the top, it made a handy blaster for close encounters. I made sure the grenades were secured tightly in the satchel hanging on my opposite leg. It was about to get nasty.

     Taking in a deep breath, I began to sprint and made a leap across to the closest building rooftop. Thankfully, the buildings of Tatooine were flat, with a few solar energy panels, humidifiers, and air conditioning units made it easy to leap across each building with little obstacles.

   With each leap, I was getting closer and closer to where the cloaked man and Boba Fett-wannabe were. I could get to the nearest building, jump from the rooftop, and tackle the imposter, and shoot the cloaked man in the face, all in one motion. But I decided to maybe get a bit of information out of both them. I stopped a few buildings back before the market street, crouched down on the flat roof of a house.

Cautiously, I clambered down a maintenance ladder and onto the street. People were swarming the street. Stang. I forgot. It was market day. But, I thought, this could work to my advantage. I slowly waltzed through the street, whistling a merry tune. I didn't have to try hard to act normal.

To any street-goer I looked like a civilized human; tan, dark skin, black hair, a five o'clock shadow on my face, just having a good day and inspecting the goods that the vendors had displayed at their booths. I was getting closer to the section of the street where the imposter was. Here were the not-so-sought-after trinkets. Which some of them were indeed not trinkets.

   The voices of the vendors, and other people came to me; Hey big boy. I know what you want. Hey buddy, want to buy some death sticks? Come one, come all! Right this way to Zemboodle's magical mirrors! Yessir-ee that's right! Here, I have in my hand, Emperor Palpatine's lightsaber!

   Most of the items were a scam. In fact, they all were a scam. One such was a the infamous mask of Darth Revan, an ancient Sith Lord, which looked little more than a Jawa hood and a metal plate for a mask with little red eyes drawn onto the front of it. But I cared little for them.

   My eyes were fixed on the man in my armor. He was straight ahead, just finishing up his conversation with the cloaked man. Now, it was time to flatter this man.

   Walking full speed, I placed a firm hand in his shoulder and spun him around to face me. Staring into the black, sinister T-visor of my own helmet, I thought, Fierfek, I do look scary.


    "Boba Fett? Is that you?" I asked incredulously.

    "What do you want?" He replied back, in a deep, monotone voice sounding very bored. He was not playing my part at all.

    "You don't remember me? What's the matter with you?" I asked him, making this all up as I went along.

    "I'm terribly sorry, sir, but a bounty hunter like me has a lot going on, so pardon me if I can't remember," he said. He didn't even raise his rifle cautiously as I did whenever someone approached me. And he was actually kriffing polite to me. This guy was a terrible mercenary. If some random person had come up to me, I would have shot him without a second thought and stalked away menacingly.

    Behind him, however, movement caught my eye. The cloaked man was getting up and ever-so-slowly creeping away.

    "My name is-," before I finished, I swiped my DH-17 out of my holster, brought it up, and jabbed him in the throat swiftly. I then lifted my knee and swung it up under his midsection. Hard. "My name is the real-fierfekking-Boba Fett."

    At this point he was doubled over in pain. I hit raised up my leg and stomped on his back, forcing him to the ground. I kicked him everywhere I could. In the head, in the ribs, in the thigh. I made sure he was out of it before I unstrapped my jet pack from his unconscious body. The cloaked man was getting away, running down the street at full speed. And I had a plan.


I hope you guys enjoyed! For those who do not know who Lilian Fett is, you might need to read the previous book. But don't worry guys! The plot is about to go into full throttle. I got it all planned out. I am currently debating if I should make another sequel? Or, maybe, I'll probably do this instead, I will go back, and revise No Time Left, add a few things, but won't change anything major, and add a Part 2 to No Time Left. Please let me know what you guys think. I think I"ll probably revise No Time Left and add a part 2 after this book is finished.  And by the way, this book is currently in Part One, I'll be aiming to have a Part 2 and a Part 3, if not more. But thanks for reading! Next chapter should be up in a day or two. But seriously, after you read this, I want your feedback. Any of you. Especially AlaskanJediWriter  storyteller2899  cattyclove  JamesNess14 PoisinIvy143 @akarges @-BlackFang148- @Turtlebot157

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