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Five years after the events in Boba Fett: No Time Left.......

"Its him......"

"Its Fett..........."

"But what's he doing here?"

"I don't know, but steer clear of him..."

All of these things were said as I walked into the cantina. Everyone stared up from their tables, wether they were gambling or playing djerik. A few people gasped. The bartender approached me behind his booth cautiously.

"What can I get you?" he asked timidly.

"I'm not here to drink. I'm here to speak with someone," I said, not needing to put any venom in my voice to make him cower in fear.

"H-he's over there," the bartender said, pointing a trembling finger at a man hidden in the shadows. I walked towards the table where the man was.

He didn't look up from the datapad that he was reading. "I didn't think you'd come," he said, still not looking up.

"You calling me a coward?" I said.

The man chuckled. "I dont think anyone has the guts to call Boba Fett a coward."

I sat down in the chair opposite him. "So you're the one they call Cormon?" I asked.

"Lieutenant Rizor Cormon, at your service," he said, extending a hand. I shook it.

"And what's the job?"

"Yes. I assume you are familiar with The Battle of Sarish?" asked Cormon. I nodded. Sarish was the most crippling defeat the Republic had suffered. "Well, you see, I was involved in the Battle of Sarish. Obviously, because I was and still am with the Sarish Military.

"Now, Sarish didn't compare to anything that happened a few years back. With all that Order 66 whatever. Anyway, Sarish sided with the Republic, considering the Clankers were trying to invade our planet. But see here, in the Sarish military, we had a general named Callum. Now Callum, the ol' idiot, could tell that we were on the losing side."

"He argued long and hard that we should join the Seppies and they would protect us." He snorted. "And we all knew that was a load of bantha dung. He was overruled, and we sided with the Republic. But Callum didn't like being denied. He secretly gave the Seperatists inside information on the Republic's weaknesses."

"So what you're saying is that-" I started, but Cormon finished the thought for me.

"- he was responsible for the Republic's defeat at Sarish. So he thought by doing that he would be spared. And he was. But we tried to warn them that he was siding with the Seppies. But the Republic was too busy fighting the droids. But then the Republic forces retreated and we were left to rot. We were forced into slavery to build factories by the Clankers, until they were all shut down a few years back.

"Now naturally," continued Cormon," there was then no where to go to and tell them about Callum. Because now he's a high ranking Imperial Grand Moff. The Commanding Officers told me to let it go. But then, the Empire put Callum in charge of the Sarish military. Now this is nothing short of disgraceful. I can't expose him without being thrown in jail. The other generals say to keep my head down, but I can't."

"I was put in charge of a team at the battle of Sarish," he said. "We were supposed to plant a few bombs for the droids, where the main Republic HQ was weakest at. It was nothing my team and I hadn't done a thousand times. But while we were planting the explosives, commando droids snuck up on us. Killed my entire team, and I barely made it out myself."

"I want revenge for the good men that I lost that day. So, do you think you can sneak into the Imperial Command Base on Sarish, and kill Callum?"

"It's not simple. How much are you offering?" I replied.

"Half a-million credits. Will that suffice?"

"I think that'll do."

"Good. Then our business here is settled." Cormon got up from the table, and walked out the cantina. I decided I should to. I would need to gather all the information that I could about this Grand Moff Callum.

As I walked out, a saw a group of men whispering excitedly.

"Should we do it?" said one.

"Nah, the Boss said not yet." replied another.

"But he's right in there. Let's finish him!" exclaimed another one.

"The Boss'll have our heads if we do." whispered the cautious one.

What is going on?

I walked past them, but they heard the rustling of armor. Stang.

"Get him!" shouted one of the five men. He fired at me and I ducked.

I pulled the trigger on my EE-3 out of instinct. The one that had fired first slumped down. I shot my stun darts at the fifth one, and he clutched at his thigh where I shot them.

One of them was stupid enough to try and rush me. SHINK! My vibroblade shot out of my wrist armor peice, and I jammed it into his stomach. I heard a faint grunt as it stabbed him, and I held him in front of me as the three remaining assasins peppered his body with blaster fire.

"He's to powerful!" exclaimed one before I shot him, and I then ducked behind cover.

"Overwatch, do you read? Take the sho-ARGH!"

Another one down.

This was too easy. I aimed at the last one, but he dropped his blaster and held his hands behind his head. But he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at something on the small building above me. I shot him, and whirled around, but I was too late.

KATHOOM! His sniper rifle shot out an A-30 Slug, a type of projectile bullet. Mandolorian armor can only protect you from so much, but not from an A-30 slug. It penatrated my armor, and into my skin. I fell down against the side of thh building. KATHOOM! Another A-30. I was drifting bsck and forth between consciousness.


The sniper was gone. He had left. I could feel blood gushing from my wound.

And darkness engulfed me.

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