Chapter 4

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"What do you call fifty politicians floating lifelessly through space?"


"An improvement."-CC-2224, Marshal Commander "Cody", to CC-7567, Captain "Rex."

Darth Vader.

Darth kriffing Vader?

Next time I see him, I'm going to put a round through his metal head. No, not really. I wasn't that gutsy. But he sure was making this job a lot harder for me. I now honestly didn't know what to do. I either took the bounty, kill Callum, risk getting caught by Vader, and get half a-million credits.

Or I could just a sit here on my shebs and be half a-million creditless. I honestly could just sit this one out. I was considering that option very much in my head. But would I sit it out? I was Boba Fett. Was Boba Fett going to miss out on the opportunity to make a small fortune, and bragging rights to the fact that he nearly escaped the wrath of Vader, and the Empire along with him?

Finally, the answer came to me. I wasn't going to lie around and let some other mercenary take the bounty. I did have s reputation to uphold, you know. But how the heck was I supposed to get there before Vader? I'll jut have to book it, I guess.

    First step: get my armor back. I had left Lieutenant Corman back in the alleyway, after thanking him for the Intel. So now I backtracked-if your definition of backtracking is going in the opposite direction of where you landed after being catapulted into the sky-to where I had left the imposter doubled over and unconscious.

   I was starting to near the "darker" section of the vendor's alley. "Hey, pal, you sure you don't want some death sticks?" Asked a humanoid male, clad in a dark trench coat. Probably didn't even have any "death sticks," or whatever they were called. He was probably hoping I'd be interested in buying, walk up to him and offer to buy some so he could jump me. Ignoring him completely, I walked off.

   Now breaking into a small run, I was approaching where I had left the imposter. I probably should've shot him and killed him before running off and chasing Corman, unbeknownst to myself at the time. But I I hadn't wanted to damage my armor. That set was special.

    A Mandolorian never liked to be parted with his beskar'gam, his armor. I felt........naked without it, like an unprotected nerve. A gundark out of his cave, a Jedi without his lightsaber, and so on and so on and so on.

   If that di'kut already regained consciousness, and ran away, I am going to be mad, I thought to myself. Finally. I rounded a corner where I had beaten the imposter, and alas, he was gone. "Kriff it," I muttered.

    "You're coming with me, you bafoon," said a distinctively female voice. And a familiar one. I glanced around in all directions, and I caught sight of a figure in green armor being hauled around a corner. My green armor. I took off and ran towards the corner.

   I rounded it and saw a feminine figure, facing me and bent over the now-helmetless imposter, punching him continuously in the face. "Now," she said, breathing heavily,"where." Whack. "Is." Slap! "Boba." Thwack! "Fe-" just as she finished, she looked up and saw me standing there.

   "Fett," she finished. "Speak of the devil...."

     The woman, a very slim and attractive figure, was clad in purple and gray Mandolorian armor, with the distinctive Nite Owl visor, stopped punching the man in my armor, stood straight up, and putt a hand on her hip.

    "Ah, stang. Hello, Lilian."


Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter, but I've been on vacation this weekend, and I wanted to spend some time with my family, so this was all could write. But I hoped you guys enjoyed. Now, cattyclove has been absolutely begging me to make Lillian have an appearance in here, so here you go. But I really want you guys' feedback, as whether I should make her have a main role, or just s few appearances, and introduce a new character. It possibly have Korrsk or maybe even Bane return. So please, let me know what you think.

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