Chapter 3

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"May the force be with you." -Every Jedi in the history of Star Wars.

"AGHHHHHGHHGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!" Were my only words. That idiot sniper! After I had knocked him unconscious, I had slid off his forearm gauntlet, along with the wrist launcher, so I could control my jet pack and chase after the cloaked man. But that baron had changed me jet pack's settings!

     It had two modes. Jet pack, where you hovered, and could control direction, as well as height. And the other mode was jump pack. Instead of hovering, it launched you high into the air, made a long-distanced arc, and forced you to the ground. But instead of just switching the settings, he had bumped the fuel usage to the max. So now I was flying straight up 150 feet in the air. Then, I had activated it with my wrist gauntlet settings.

     "AGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!" I continued. The ground was now approaching. The jump pack setting had mechanism that, when the user was nearing the ground, the jet pack activated again.

Oh, sweet mercy. The jump pack wasn't slowing down, even though the landing mechanism was kicking in. Of all the dumb luck.


"What the heck?" I said aloud, astonished. I had landed on the sun tarp that some people put out above the door to their house, so they could sit outside, enjoy a drink, and forget about life. Apparently, it had broken my fall. But now there was a man-sized hole in the durable tarp. Oops. I took a few credits out of my satchel and dropped them on the doorstep of the home. It had saved my life, after all.

     And if my "calculations" were correct (in other words, me getting a quick glance at what direction I was heading while I was screaming my head off in the air), I should be ahead of where the cloaked man was. I decided to test out my theory. I pressed my back against the side of a building, inside a dark alleyway, waiting for the cloaked man to show up.

    Nice day today, I thought, now taking notice of the pretty day. I hadn't had the time, nor patience, while I was figuring out my plan of attack to pay attention to the kind of day it was. Tatooine's twin suns were out, shining through the crystal-clear blue sky. Completely cloudless. Jango, my father, had given me a great appreciation for nature. Along with Kal Skirata, as well. Kal was a Cuy'vul Dar. In Mandolorian, Cuy'vul Dar meant "those who no longer exist." The Cuy'vul Dar were trainers brought in by Jango to help train the clones, especially clone commandos.

He had had his own defect bunch of ARC troopers that he trained and raised. Might as well have been rogues; they were Skirata's personal army. The NULL ARCs, as they were called, were Ordo, Prudii, Jaing, Mereel, A'den, and K'Morrk. Skirata had been like a second father to me, but his boys weren't very accepting of me, all because, when I was younger, I had said that Jango could mop the floor Kal (which was probably true). They then proceeded to flush my head in the 'fresher.

But what was it Kal had said? He had said something like ,"You have to be prepared for the day when your going to be surrounded by enemies in nothing but your underwear. All that tech that you boys have is going to be useless. You have hands, teeth, and your surroundings. Use them!" That was a favorite line of his. Kal had a kind heart, even if he hid it under sandy-gold Mandolorian armor. I wonder what ever happened to the old di'kut. Republic probably killed him off after Order 66.

    But Jango had always told me to admire my surroundings and nature. I had never seen much of it, since most of my life was spent on he rainy water world of Kamino. I remember I would wake up in the middle of the night to go use the 'fresher. He would be staring out the window of our apartment in Tipoca City, gazing out at the vast ocean. He would tell me that he liked the rain, because he barely got enough of it on his hole world, Concord Dawn. He would then tell me the story of his dad, his farm, his family, attacked by Death Watch, found by Jaster Mereel, daughter vengeance on Death Watch, blah blah blah.

   He had said, "Stop a few minutes, whenever you can, and admire natu-". I was cut off. Someone was sprinting, very hurriedly, behind the building I was crouched beside. I dared to peek a look around the corner of the building. There he was!

   Sprinting, then stopping, doubling over, hands on his knees, regaining his breath. The cloaked man! He straightened back up, and broke into a slower run this time. Here was my chance.  I breathed in, and-

    WHAM! He had nearly passed the corner, when I jumped out and swung my forearm into his neck, knocking him flat on his back. I had performed ,what some dejarik players called, a clothes-line.

   "Ahergh, ahergh," he choked, making strangled sounds. That, and having the breath knocked out of you, probably didn't feel to good.

    "Now then," I said, lifting him up by the collar of his cloak," who the fierfek are you?" I pulled back his hood, and......

     .......There stood Lieutenant Rizor Corman. "Corman?" I shouted in disbelief. Even though I only met him once, I wouldn't have forgotten him that quickly. He was a big man, if stocky build, with graying-black hair, strong features, and a confident stride only his person could match. "What the frag are you doing?"

     "Well who the frag are you, and I'll tell you what the frag I'm doing!" He roared back, now starting to pulling back away from me. I tightened my grip on his collar. "Look, someone's chasing me and-oh, stang," he said, horror coming over is his face as he recognized me as the imposter's attacker.

     "You're the guy that took on Fett! Please, don't hurt me!" He begged, throwing his hands in front of his face.

    "Corman, what the heck are you-," Oh. He hadn't realized that the imposter wasn't the real Fett. He thought I was some thug, trying to snatch his credits. "Corman, I'm Fett. Come on, I'll explain." I let go, and surprisingly, he didn't make a running B-line away from me.

   "Shortly after our meeting, I was attacked by a gang of mercenaries. There was a sniper who shot me with a 'slug, and I blacked out. I woke up in a local doctor's office, and he healed my wounds. That man you were talking to," I explained, walking away from him, and, as expected, he followed," was an imposter. That Doctor sold my armor, and the sniper bought it."

    A confused and befuddled face settled over his complexion. "So," he asked," that wasn't you I was talking with?"

   "Correct. Now what were you talking to him for?"

    "Oh," he said, a sly smile creeping back into his face, "I got new intel on our target, Callum." He withdrew a datachip from a pocket in his cloak, and handed it to me. "A friend of mine got wind that Callum is moving from the ICC on Sarish to the Star Destroyers in orbit. Thought you'd want that bit of information."

"Why is he moving from the command center to the Star Destroyer?" I asked. That was strange.

"Rumor has it," he said, leaning a bit closer to me, "that he's moving to the ship to make sure everything's in tip-top shape. Sarish is due for a military inspection, and for some reason, Darth Vader himself is coming! He's looking to build some outpost there. That's all the intel my friend could get."

    Darth Vader. Darth Vader? The Sith Lord? Not good. At all. I had to get this bounty done. And fast. If Vader was there when I went to exterminate Callum-I didn't even want to think about it.


Hey guys, hope you all enjoyed. I promised you guys a chapter.

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