Chapter 5

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"No disintegrations!"- Darth Vader to Boba Fett.

"Boba, you never write, you never send flowers," chided Lil as we walked into the cantina. I had slipped my armor on after removing it from the imposter's unconscious body. I finally felt.......relaxed. I was more comfortable in my armor.

Lil had tied the imposter up against a dehumidifier unit beside the square-shaped Tatooine adobe right outside. "Lil, I'm a busy man," I replied, matching my step with hers as we strolled in. "It got bounties to hunt, people to kill."

"So how have things been on your side?"

"Well, I got my armor stolen, nearly got launched into orbit, and got a bounty for half-a-million creds. Other than that, not much. You?"

She chuckled. "Same old same old. But half-a-million? You aren't jurladirk? (A/N I'll include a Mandolorian dictionary at the end).

  "Shab, no. Got a job on Sarish. Can't give you to much Intel," I said with a wink. "Highly classified."

  She pulled off her helmet, letting her long, brown hair flow down to her shoulders. "I understand, ner'vod."

    "You wouldn't care to come along, would you?" I asked a bit hopefully. Being around Lil made it feel, well, normal. It always reminded me the times at home, on Kamino, with Jango. I pulled my helmet off, the vacuum seal making a slight hssssss as it came off. Turning towards the bartender, who was wiping off a stain on the bar that looked like blood, I ordered,"A jorum of, let's see, uh, starfire 'skee, if you don't mind."

The brown-skinned Aqualish furrowed his brow, his bulbous black eyes scrunching together. His response came as a series of incoherent muttering sounds which emanated from his long tusks in some language I couldn't understand.

  "You're buying, you know, Lil."

   "Shab no, you little di'kut." She whipped her arm around my left leg and opened up my satchel attached to my thigh, pulling out a small credit pouch. She dug into it and drew out a twenty-five credit chip, tossing it to the Aqualish bartender, who caught it with surprisingly fast reflexes. "Boba, you really don't know how to treat a lady."

  "That's why I don't date, vod. Women are too complicated." I sat down and started drinking the starfire 'skee that the Aqualish slid across the bar to me. Stang! It slid down my throat like greased lightning, and burning my mouth like an Imperial Shocktrooper had fired a DLT-19 into my mouth at point-blank range.

  Smiling at the expression of disgust on my face, Lil half-laughed, half said,"Well, Boba, you're missing out on an opportunity of a lifetime." She then gave me a wink.

"Maybe some other time, hun." Lil did like to flirt. Especially with me. I guess I never really thought about it much, but I considered maybe someday settling down with her, possibly having kids. I didn't know. It didn't sound like Boba Fett to me.

"So you heard anything out of Korrsk or Bane?"

"Last I heard," she began, "was that Bane just racked up a final a-million whopping creds. Says he's 'retiring.' As of Korrsk, he owns some bar on Coroscaunt. But I'm not talking about some  level 1313 seedy-looking bar, I'm talking about state-of-the-art-and-serving-Tarisian-ale-to-Imperial-Grand-Moffs kind of bar!"

   Well that was good. For him, mostly. Now, good ol' Korrsk could fix him anytime he felt like getting drunk. But as of Bane? That was unusual, him retiring. He loved his profession in hunting.

"So Lil, you want to tag along?" She let her feet dangle on the bar stool, swinging them like a little child.

"Boba, I'd love to." A kind of sad expression appeared on yer face. "But I got things I got to do myself. But if you need anything, just give me a call." She snapped her fingers hard, summoning the Aqualish bartender. "Ale for me." The Aqualish responded with a loud, irritated, mutter.

"Y'know," I said, forcing myself to take another drink of the starfire 'skee. I don't drink to get drunk. If there's anything important right now, it's staying sober in case I get jumped by thugs like last time. "I was thinking about asking Korrsk, since Banes retired."

"I'd go for it, Boba. I don't think he'd turn you down." The Aqualish slid her cup of ale across the bar, surprisingly not spilling while it slid. She caught it in the palm of her hand and gave a curt not to the bartender.

"Yeah, but then I'd have to do a fifty-fifty split of the bounty. Or," I said, thinking out loud," I could do a sixty-forty split, since the poor lizard can't do math. Pitiful thing doesn't even know what two plus two is."

Lil chuckled, lifting her cup of ale to her mouth. "Poor guy would never even know he was cheated." But I shouldn't do that, I thought. The Trandosian was loyal until the end. Especially to a friend. If he considers me a friend. I would split it evenly with him.

I finally downed the last of the fire 'skee, which is no mere task, and, though my throat felt like fire, I turned towards my half-sister, saying,"Lil, before I leave, I need your help."

"What is it?" She inquisitively asked.

"C'mon, I'll show you." I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her out of her seat. She started tugging her wrist out of my hand, until I realized she was trying to reach out and down the rest of her ale. The Aqualish grunted annoyedly, making a shooing motion with his hands.

I drug Lil outside to where the dehumidifier unit was. Tied to it was none other than the imposter. "Well, well, well," I said. "If it isn't the man that wanted to be Boba Fett himself," I finished, placing my hands on my hips.

He was slowly regaining consciousness, no mean feat after receiving one of Lil's signature knockout punches. "Wh-whar's goin' on?" He asked, speech slurred. "D'yall know who I am? I'm B-Boba Fett-t-t." So he obviously still thought he was myself. I grabbed my helmet out from my armpit and jammed it onto my head.

"I got a holonews flash for you, buddy; I'm Boba Fett.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed! Please let me have your feedback, so don't be afraid to comment or ask questions. Now for the Mandolorian dictionary:

Shab- it's more of a profanity word, commonly used by the Mando'a people and clone soldiers.

Di'kut- means 'idiot' or 'fool,' but more in a friendly way. More of a joking way to address someone.

Ner'vod-means 'brother or sister,' but ner adds more to it by meaning 'close,' or 'dearest.'

I hope you guys enjoyed!

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