2:Shiko Academy

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Akemi on media*notice her pendant^^


"Ohayou(good morning),Okasan(Mother)."Ritsuka said while cooking.

Maria yawned.

"Ohayou,Ritsuka.Is Akemi awake?"


"Then you better head to her room to wake her up.I'll continue what you're cooking."

"You don't have to.You're gunna stress yourself."

"Oh.Yeah.I remembered the deadline of the manuscript's tomorrow."Maria walked to the dining area barefooted.

Ritsuka tasted the food and she beamed."They'll love this!"

She removed her apron and went outside the house to stretch.She stared at the garden lovingly.

"Today is also a beautiful day!"

"Yeah,it is."

Ritsuka whipped her head to face Akemi,who gave her a sleepy stare and a wary smile.Ritsuka grinned.

It has been two months since they picked up Akemi.Akemi cut her long platinum blonde hair short but she still looked stunning with those blue orbs and rosy lips and cheeks,together with her pale complexion and slim body.

Ritsuka's older brother Lind knew about this,and well--he was happy.Maria wanted to adopt her but Akemi insisted not to.The Tachibanas sadly agreed,but only in one condition.She would live with them and treat them as family forever,even if she isn't relative.

Ritsuka walked up to her.

"Ohayou,Imouto-chan(little sister)^^breakfast is ready"Ritsuka teased a little.

"Onee-chan(older sister)."Akemi teased back.

They both laughed and went inside.


While they were eating and talking about Maria's translating work at a foreign magazine,someone called.

"I'll get it,"Ritsuka stood up and went to pick up the phone.Maria and Akemi eyed her.

She gasped."Onii-chan!"

Maria smiled at Ritsuka which was enthusiastically conversing with Lindo,while Akemi quietly ate.

She remembered their last encounter,and blushed at the thought of it.

Lindo pinned her to the wall.

Akemi widened her eyes at the sudden closeness.His minty breath even fanned her face.

"Akemi."he flashed her his million-dollar smile,which can make every girl's underwear drop.Even so,his eyes are damn serious.

"H-h-hai(yes)!?"she was trembling in fear...or excitement.

He neared his face to hers.

And his lips landed on her nose.

And because of that,her lips landed on his chin.

She was blushing crazily,and she suddenly knew what they were doing is wrong so she pushed him.

"Gomenasai(sorry),sepai!"and she ran off.

It all happened last month,when Maria decided to make Akemi visit Lindo at London to see him for herself in person for a week.

Ritsuka came back with a grin on her face,while Akemi quietly stood up.

"I'm going to get ready."she muttered.

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