16:Closet//Probably A Crack Chapter

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^How to cuss like the british lol just 'cuz

Dedicated to @bunnie567, @Have_A_Death_Wish, @8Hachiko, @LittleAppleJello, @fluffydragon444, @___BlackCat___, @Nanami77, @NikkiSmile66, @Shipperfriend, @Nerdygirl-death, @JuliaKottman, @RWBYisbea, @Sadistic_Vampire, and @Mnekochaan

What the hell did i just write?! -->me after everything//sorry for the late update here's a special i guess


"It's awesome, isn't it? How we breathe in fresh air which you produced with scent! Now tell me, how can i not fall inlove with you!?" Akemi blabbered infront of a rose bush in Rem's garden.

The maids witnessed this,and thinking she was insane they started to keep a good distance away from her. When Akemi noticed this, she assured them that she was normal and is just having her monthly period. Which they refused to believe though.

Rem caught her talking to herself in the balcony when he came back.

"...am i bisexual, then? 'Cuz i always get attracted at some wierd shit."

Rem widened his eyes in shock. Then immediately collected his composure.

It's okay. As long as she's not completely lesbian everything's cool.

"Hi Rem. Didn't see you there, how long have you been here?" she casually asked out of the blue which made him snap out of his reverie.

He shrugged as he threw the paperbag of essentials to her, to which she catched swiftly.

"And this, too." Rem said as he tossed another paperbag to her, which she caught but it slipped off her hand after she tried balancing the other large paperbag.

Akemi pouted in annoyance as she set the paperbag in her arms on the floor and kneeled to pick up the fallen one(lewl).

"What's this anyway?" she frowned as she opened it.

Her eyes lit up once she caught sight of different expensive chocolates, chips and cold drinks.And a rose on top.

"Woah. Maid bought these for me?"

Rem blushed as he looked away.

"Mmm." he nodded.

Which was a total lie, BTW.

"Hey, those are girl's pads right?"

Rem looked at the old man beside him.

Rem was ridiculously waiting for the light to let him and the others cross the street, and it just so happened this guy talked to him.

"Yes it is." he replied politely.

The man let out a raspy chuckle.

"Y'know son, i used to be like you when my wife didn't have menopause yet. Piece of advice: i think you should also give her some treats that would calm her down."

Before Rem could answer back, the sign told them that it was time to resume walking so they commence.

"Why does everyone assume that it's for my girl, i mean... What if i had a sister?" he mumbled under his breath.

"Tell her i love her so much that i could marry her anytime now." Akemi gushed as she brought out a chocolate bar like a Boss.

Rem turned his back on her and walked away without a single word.

I bought it for her myself, so it means that those words are directed to me.

Rem blushed hard as he quickened his pace.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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