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[ Dedicated to basictspace ]

[ Cassandra's POV ]

Ding dong!

"Honey, I think Shane's here!" My mum called from downstairs. 

"Coming!" I screamed, capping my tube of lip gloss. I took one last look at my reflection in the mirror, before exiting my en suite, grabbing my backpack and rushing downstairs. 

I passed the kitchen, where my mother was reading a magazine. 

"Bye mum!" I called. 

She looked up from the latest copy of Better Homes and Gardens and smiled.
"Have fun Cass!"

Ding dong!

Christ, this guy was really impatient. 

"About bloody time." Shane scowled when I opened the door and stumbled out. I didn't reply, just followed him to the curb toward his-

Holy sweet mother of Jesus. 

Shane Ryder had a Ferrari. A sleek, shiny, red Ferrari. 

"Is that your car?" I stuttered. I didn't know the Ryders were that rich. 

Shane laughed as he bypassed the vehicle completely and stopped in front of a Jeep.

"No. That's the guy across the road's." He pointed to a pretty white house opposite mine. 


Damn! It would have been sweet to ride in such an expensive car. 

"Don't sit in the front seat." Shane said, just as I reached for the door handle. 

"Why?" I grumbled, hopping into the back instead. If he didn't want me to sit next to him, he could have said so. 

"Because," He started. "You just can't. Someone else sits there." 

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "Who?"

"You're so nosy, Cass." Shane replied, completely avoiding my question. 

"I am not!" I cried. He scoffed and started the car.

After five minutes of driving down a road that ran alongside the beach, Shane stopped the car in front of someone's house. 

I opened my mouth to ask him why we were parked here but quickly closed it when I realised it would only reinforce his statement about how I was so nosy. 

Damn that annoying bastard who always seemed to be right. 

The said annoying bastard suddenly honked the horn, making me jump. 

Shane saw me in the rear-view mirror and laughed. 

"It's not funny, shut up." I scowled. I seemed to be doing a lot of that lately. 

He shrugged. "It was necessary."

Necessary for what? I thought irritatedly. 

My question was soon answered when the front door of the house we were parked in front of opened, and out came two guys. Surprisingly, neither one made a move to sit in the vacant front seat. Instead, they both slid in next to me in the back. 

"How come . . ." I trailed off as a girl came bursting through the front door of the house and practically leaped into the shotgun seat. 

"Hi Shane!" She grinned, closing the car door. 

"Hey Lisa." He smiled back. I felt strangely jealous of the her.

The girl - Lisa - turned around in her seat and faced me.

"Oh, hi there, who are you?" She smiled, perfect white teeth glinting. 

She was gorgeous. Her straight blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders and her eyes were a vivid shade of blue.  

"Cassandra, I'm from Los Angeles." 

"I'm Lisa. And that's my prick of a brother Jason," she pointed a perfectly manicured finger at the guy to my left. "and Daniel." The other boy on my right nodded at me. 

I was too busy studying both boys' appearances to notice that Shane had started driving again. 

Jason had messy blonde hair that kept falling into his eyes. The resemblance between him and Lisa was startling. I wondered if they were twins. 

"No, we're not actually," Lisa said, when I voiced my thoughts to her. "because I'm older." She added smugly. Beside me, Jason scoffed.

I craned my neck to the right to inspect Daniel next. He had jet black hair and was fairly quiet, not as loud as the siblings. 

"So why did you move here Cass?" Lisa asked from the front.

"Long story short, my dad got offered a good job here at Bells Bay." I replied. 

"Do you miss anyone from there?"

"Not really, there wasn't anyone to miss." I shrugged. 

I was telling the truth. Back in my old town, I had next to no friends, and the friends that I did have didn't even like me that much. They cut off our contact when I announced I was moving. 

Some friends they were. 

"Wha-" I never got to hear the rest of Lisa's question as Shane abruptly stopped the car and declared, "We're here!"

Now I felt nervous. What would this school be like? What would the students - and teachers - think of me?

Suddenly, I had this uncomfortable feeling that someone was burning a hole in the side of my head. 

I turned to look outside the window. 

It wasn't someone, it was many someones. 

Almost everyone at front of the school was looking at me, and I could feel my palms beginning to sweat. 

"Er, could we leave?" I squeaked. Leave to where, I didn't know. I just wanted to get away from all the staring. 

"Ignore them, they've just never seen a beauty like you." Lisa said, grinning at me. 

I blushed profusely at the compliment, following Jason out of the car. 

The intensity of the staring - or should I say glaring - only got worse now that I was in full view of the students. 

Hushed whispers and hisses followed me as I trailed awkwardly behind the boys and Lisa. 

"Who's that?"

"What's she doing here?"

"Why is she with Shane?"

"I've never seen her here before." 

"What is she wearing?" 

At that, I tugged at the hem of my pale blue tank top, wanting the earth to open up and swallow me whole. 

It was better than being the centre of attention anyway. 

And let's face it, I hate being the centre of attention.

Author's note-

I hit 1k reads! I could write a whole essay expressing my gratitude, but it'll probably consist of a lot of "thank you's" and "omg's". 

picture on the side is lisa. c:

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