[ 9 ]

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[ Dedicated to mhainechan ]

 9 – To Think I Got Worked Up Over Nothing

 [ Shane’s POV ]


I pushed off the starting block, arching my arms above my head, diving down into the glimmering water below.

As soon as I resurfaced, I started on my freestyle stroke, and pushed every other thought out of my mind.

Swimming was what I did best, and when I was in the water, I would be in my zone, tuning everything out. I wouldn't hear the cheers of my other teammates, and I wouldn't hear my coach, who didn't say anything much anyway.

My arms and legs propelled me through the water. This was easy, this was normal.

1, 2, 3, breathe.

I reached the other end and flipped underwater, kicking off the wall and resuming my stroke.

One lap down, 15 more to go.

And so, 15 laps later, I was hauling myself out of the pool. The other swim team members were panting slightly, and struggling to lift themselves up. I grinned.

They were so weak.

I wasn't even tired. Those practice laps were nothing.

“Alright boys, hurry up and get out of the pool,” my coach said, blowing his whistle. I winced slightly. Two years on the swim team still hadn’t made me immune to the shrill noise “It’s the girls’ turn now.”

The girls moved forward and took up their respective position on the starting blocks. “Butterfly, 30 laps, GO!” my coach barked, startling some guy who was on the ladder by the edge of the pool, still trying to climb out.

Get out of the water Frank, for God’s sakes!” the coach roared again, just as the girl in his lane swam pass him, kicking her legs furiously. He received a face full of chlorine water, and the other guys sniggered.

I walked over to the bleachers where Daniel and Jason were sitting. Daniel was on the phone with someone, and Jason was toweling his hair dry. It was no use really, because we’d be back in the water soon.

“Alright, bye Cass.” Daniel hung up just as I approached and sat down beside him.

“Why were you on the phone to Cass?” I asked suspiciously.

“I was asking her about the after-party,” he answered.

He better not be asking Cass to go with him, I thought bitterly. There were only three days to go before the swimming competition, and the after-party, and I still hadn’t asked Cass if she wanted to come with me. I'm not sure why I was so obsessed with her, really.  

“What about the after-party?” I asked, trying not to glare at him.

Daniel didn't say anything for a while; he just looked at me sheepishly.

The dickhead better not be planning to ask Cass.


“He wants to ask my sister.” Jason blurted out beside me.


“I uh, wanted to ask Lisa if she wanted to come to the after-party with me, and so I called Cass to see if Lisa was free.”

My almost-glare transformed into a smirk, but it quickly morphed back into a scowl when Jason asked, “Why are you so concerned with why Daniel’s calling Cass, eh?”

“I was just curious.” I said gruffly.

“More like jealous.” Jason said under his breath. I elbowed him in the stomach.



“Coming, coach.” I said, sounding annoyed, but I was actually relieved. All this time I had thought Daniel liked Cass, but I was completely wrong.


I closed my locker and swung my backpack over my shoulder, turning to go meet Cass at her own one so that I could drive us home.

When I found her, I instantly scowled. Cass was standing there talking to one of the guys on the swimming team, but it wasn't Daniel or Jason.

No, it was Kevin Flynn, who was notorious for being a total prick. 

I walked closer, keeping quiet. Kevin’s back was to me and Cass was facing him. They hadn’t seen me yet.

“So, has anyone asked you to come to the after-party?” Kevin said, folding his arms across his chest.

“Well, uh, um–”

I cleared my throat. “Yes, they have, so back off Flynn.” I growled, coming to stand beside Cass.

Cass looked up at me, her eyes telling me that she had no idea what I was on about. I looked back at her; sending her a look that said, just go with it.

“Ryder.” Kevin uncrossed his arms and stood up straighter to look me in the eye.

“Flynn.” I returned evenly.

“Why are you here?” he spat, clearly unhappy that I was interrupting him.

I’m here to take Cass home, so I’d gladly appreciate it if you would let me do that.”

I grabbed Cass’ arm and tugged her down the hallway. Before we turned the corner, we heard Kevin yell, “You owe me a dance at the after-party, Cass!”

A dance?

I voiced my thoughts out loud to her as we reached my car.

“Um, I may have made a bet with him, and I kind of lost it?” she bit her lip nervously.

I scowled at the steering wheel.

“So, what did you mean before?” Cass said, trying to break the awkward silence that had suddenly settled.

“What?” We were on the road now, so I didn't turn to look at her.

“When you said someone already asked me to the after-party.”

Shit, shit, shit.

“Oh, that. Um, well.” I took a hand off the wheel to scratch at my neck.

Come on, Shane, you wuss. Just ask her already!


Now I knew what Daniel felt like before when I questioned him before.

“Do you want to come to the after-party with me?” I blurted out, not daring to look at her. I couldn't really anyway, because I was driving, and I was meant to have both eyes on the road.

There was a moment’s hesitation from Cass, and I wondered if she didn't want to go with me.

Well, shit.


That one word kept me grinning for the rest of the day.

Author’s note –

Idek. This is just going to be an experiment novel, just to test different things out with my writing, so I'm sorry if it doesn't flow very well.

Ok, so I tried Shane’s POV, and I don't think it’s particularly good. I can’t write in a guy’s POV, it’s so hard. ):

QOTD – who’s your inspiration?

Thank you for getting me to 43k reads, and 1.4k votes even though my writing probably sucks haha.

Vote, comment, fan (: 

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