[ 7 ]

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[ Dedicated to connotations ]

[ Cassandra’s POV ]

 “What?” I spluttered, staring at Lisa in confusion.

“We’re going camping?” Shane’s face mirrored mine.

“No, not really. I just made that up.” She threw her head back, laughing. Jason came into the room, with Daniel trailing closely behind.

“So what happened at school today?” Jason announced, walking over to Shane’s bed and collapsing on it. I scooted further away from him and bit my lip.

“Um, Mel–” I broke off. I would sound like a wimp if I told them what happened. I settled on being vague. “–just the usual…”

Shane scowled at the wall, and then walked out the door.

“What’s with him?” Lisa asked when he was out of earshot.

I shrugged, “I’ll go see.” So I got up and slipped outside into the hallway, where I found Shane sitting on the landing at the top of his flight of stairs. He had his head in his hands.

He looked up when I sat down beside him.

“What’s wrong?” I asked tentatively.


“Doesn't look like nothing.”

“Don’t worry about it, okay Cass?” We sat in an awkward silence for a while before he got up and went back to his room.

Someone’s being moody,I thought, waiting a few seconds before I stood and reentered Shane’s bedroom, where they were watching something on the plasma screen T.V mounted on the wall.

My hands and elbow were fine now, and had stopped stinging, but my foot wasn't.

I sucked in my breath sharply when Daniel accidently stepped on it while pushing past me to get out the door.

“Got to go guys! See you tomorrow!” He called as he left. I could hear him thumping down the stairs.

The rest of the afternoon was pretty boring, nothing interesting happened, and nothing interesting was going to happen, so I left at 9 o’clock, bidding goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Ryder on my way out.

I locked the front door behind me and ambled upstairs to the bathroom for a quick shower. When I was finished, I grabbed a stack of DVD’s from my bookshelf and went back downstairs, all ready for a movie marathon. I just needed some popcorn.

My parents were out tonight, so I had the whole house to myself.

Well, that was until the doorbell rang at a quarter to midnight.

I slowly rose from the grey leather couch I was sitting on and paused my movie.

The person at my door was not someone I was expecting. Well, not anytime soon anyway.

“What are you doing here?” I stared dumbfounded at Shane, who was now wearing a dark blue hoodie, standing on my doorstep. He shrugged.

“The others left, and I got bored.”   

“Okay, then.” He grinned, moved forward, and I shut the door in his face. I smirked and waited for him to react. He started pounding on the door, right on cue.

Cass!” he shouted.

“Yes?” I asked sweetly, trying to hold back a fit of giggles.

That New Girl [ On Hold, Rewriting ]Where stories live. Discover now