Stockholm (Shredder x Reader)

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The winter breeze blew through the window of the cabin. You had no idea where you were, except for that you were in the middle of the woods. You had been here for almost three months now and you had given up on ever getting free. At first you were in a cell, but last week he had moved you here. The cabin was nice and almost home-y. The Shredder had snatched you up off the rooftops while you were on patrol. The guys had probably already forgot about you. Your beloved Splinter had more than likely already forgotten you. Plus it wasn't to bad... You got whatever you wanted. Lately Shredder had been almost sweet to you. Like yesterday he had brought you a box of your favorite candies with a cute card attached. It made you smile a lot. He had sort of grown on you. Last night he had stayed the night and slept in your bed with you. It was weird but you liked it. You liked that he was close to you. Never once did he hit you. A smile graced your lips as you slipped out of the bed. He was already gone when you woke up. Just as you slipped on your robe, the cabin door swung open. You turned and saw your captor. He never said a word to you. Ever. "Good morning." You said, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. "Good morning." He parroted, making you perk up. A small smile graced your lips as you sat in a chair. He placed a plate of your favorite breakfast in front of you. You gave him a thankful look before scarfing down the delicious food. After you were done, he took the plate from you and walked out. It was like this every morning. Simple and quiet. When he returned he was not in his "Shredder" armor. He didn't even have his mask on. You saw his scarred face for the first time. He joined you on the couch as you watched Supernatural. You slowly inched over to him until your legs touched. He then draped his arm around your shoulders. A light blush dusted your cheeks. "You look nice." He stated, not looking at you. "Thank you." You whispered. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence. After a few moments you laid your head on his shoulder. He stiffened for a moment before relaxing. You couldn't help but look at his scars. They were all over one side of his face. It was weird, it looked like a mask of its own. "If it makes you uncomfortable I can put my armor back on." He stated, looking down at you. "It doesn't bother me, honestly it intrigues me." You answered, turning your attention back to the television. Out of the corner of your eye you saw his eyes filled with relief. Just then someone rapidly knocked on the door. Oroku Saki glared at the wooden door before getting up. As he exited, you sat there, missing his touch. You knew that he was your kidnapper, but you had grown feelings for him. Outside the door you heard yelling. Not wanting to interfere, you got yourself a bag of nacho cheese Doritos. He was probably doing business, and you didn't want to upset him. You then sat back on the couch and returned to watching the television.

-Outside the door-

"W-Why are we not sending the ransom note?" The poor foot soldier whimpered. "I finally have her! And I am not going to let them take my precious (Y/N) away!" Shredder growled. "B-But they attack HQ everyday!" He countered. "You will not send that note. If you do you will die." He promised before returning to his (Y/N). The foot soldier nodded and got back inside his armored tank. Oroku Saki retreated back into the warm cabin and back to his beautiful prisoner.

I noticed I didn't have a Shredder one shot, so I decided to fix that. I apologize for any errors I made (*˘︶˘*)

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