Midnight Meeting (Fishface x mermaid!Reader)

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This is for the lovely Animelover-Girl18~

(Y/F/C): your favorite color
(2/F/C): 2nd favorite color

The lake shimmered in the moonlight as you floated around the pier. The summer night was clear, you could see so many stars. This was the only time you could surface, thanks to your (Y/F/C) tail. You were born a mermaid and your parents hid you in this lake for 3/4 of your life. Besides them you had no contact with anyone. Just a few aquatic animals kept you company. You stratched your turtle friend's shell as you hummed a tune. A sigh passed your lips, as much as you loved your animal friends, but you yearned for a real conversation with someone besides your parents. You heard someone grumble above you. As your turtle friend swam away, you ducked under the pier. What was someone doing out here so late? That's when you saw it, his tail. Through a gap in the wood, you saw the creature. It was a fish, with robotic legs... And you thought you were strange. It was red with a white underbelly. It's eyes yellow and neon green. His body was in the shape of a Snakehead fish. It was absolutely insane, but yet intriguing. Maybe, just maybe you could talk with it. Next thing you know, it jumped into the water, startling you. You looked back through the gap, seeing the legs laying beside some weapons. That's when he noticed you. "Hey you! What are you doing under there?" He growled. You turned your attention to him. He was glaring at you, it was kinda intimidating. Maybe talking to him wasn't the best idea. Chickening out, you cowered away and ducked into the water. You swam down, hoping that he wouldn't see your tail. A gasp escaped you as you felt something grab your tail. You turned and saw the fish-man holding you. He had a surprised look on his face as his fingers stroked your scales. You fixed your (2/F/C) bikini top and pointed up. You could talk underwater, but it wasn't very reliable. He nodded and let you go. The both of you surfaced and stared at each other for a while. "What are you?" You asked curiously. "A mutant. What the heck are you?" He asked, scanning over your fin. "A mermaid." You answered simply. "Those aren't real." He scoffed. "Neither are talking fish with robotic legs, yet here you are." You glared. "...Fair enough." He said. "What's your name?" You asked. "Xever." He stated. "What's yours?" He added. "(Y/N)." You answered, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He nodded in response. The two of you talked about anything and everything. The bottom of the sky was turning pink, indicating that it was early morning. You had been talking for hours, even though it felt like only a few minutes. He was so easy to talk to, and you thoroughly enjoyed his company. He loved talking about his childhood in Brazil. You had never been, but the way he talked about it, it sounded like paradise. Sure he was a bit rough around the edges, but underneath was loyal and protective man. A blush dusted your cheeks as his fin brushed up against yours. His eyes were enchanting, you could get lost in them. "I had better get going." You sighed as you looked over at the rising sun. Just as you were about to leave, you felt him grab your arm. Your blush returned and you looked up at him. He was blushing, but you couldn't see it since he was already red. "When can I see you again?" He asked, lossening his grip. "Tomorrow night, as soon as the moon is out." You smiled. "It's a date." He grinned. Your face turned as red as his scales. He smirked at you and chuckled. "Bye." You whispered. "Bye." He parroted before pulling himself out of the water and onto the pier. You watched him get back into his legs and put on his weapons. As he walked away, you couldn't help but smile. You couldn't wait to see him again.


Hope you like it! I apologize if this isn't exactly what you wanted (:

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