Finally (Leo x Reader)

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Okay, so there is a bit of stabby stabby and other violence in here so, tread carefully my dear readers!!!

The moonlight shined in through the barred window above you. Your battered body laid on the concrete floor. Shredder had killed your parents and took you hostage, all because of your friends. Your four incredibly unique friends. After your beating, they stuck you in this cage and you being to weak to even move, your limp, bleeding body was in the exact same spot they threw you in. It was getting harder and harder to breath with every passing second. You will wanted to sob and scream at the loss of your parents, but you couldn't even muster the energy to do so. You hoped to God that they would find you in time. That they would save you. The guard outside the cell paid you no mind as your eyes drooped. You were so tired, maybe you could just take a nap. "Don't you dare! Fight dang it! Don't let him win!", You told yourself. "Get her up.", A dark voice growled. A voice you knew all to well. You felt someone pick you up and carry you into another room. "They've arrived, sir.", A new voice chimed in. "Good, make sure we properly welcome our guests.", Shredder chuckled. The other man grunted and walked away. They were here! It's about time. "I don't even think she'll make it to the throne room.", The guy holding you stated. "She'd better, or this won't be nearly as fun.", Shredder growled. You could feel yourself getting weaker and weaker. "(Y/N)!", A familiar voice called. You wanted to look at your best friend, but you just couldn't. Doing the best you could, you managed to see him out of the corner of your eye. Leo was standing there, with the angriest expression you had ever seen. His weapons drawn and glaring at your captor. His angry expression turned to one of horror when he saw you. "What did you do to her?!?!", He screamed. Shredder just laughed at him. Just as they were about to charge, your captor then took you into his arms. "One step closer, and I'll end her miserable life!", He threatened holding a dagger to your throat, effectively stopping them in their tracks. "Now that's better.", Shredder mocked. Raphael growled before throwing a Sai at him. The weapon hit him dead in the shoulder. Shredder screamed and dropped his blade and you. You hit the ground with a thud, making the brothers flinch. "You fools!", He yelled, pulling out yet another dagger. As the guys ran at him, he plunged the knife into your torso. "No!", Leo screamed, sliding over to you. As searing pain shot through your body as blood bubbled up from your throat. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)? Can you hear me? Oh my God...", He mumbled as your once (Y/F/C) top turned dark red.  "P-Please don't leave me! I... I love you (Y/N)! Don't go... Donnie!" Leo screamed, his beautiful blue eyes filled with with tears. He frantically searched for his brother, but never once left your side. "Leo?", You said weakly. He looked back down at you, wide eyed. "I love you too." You said, your voice fading. "No no no! Don't do that! Come on (Y/N)! Keep those beautiful eyes open!" He said frantically as you rested your hand on his knee. His frantic cries faded as you submit yourself to the darkness.


BOOM! Well what do you guys think? I've never really done something dark and I wanted to try my hand at it! Let me know down in the comment section! (That made me sound like a YouTuber... 😅) Have a turtletastic day my lovely readers!

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