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Dreams were fantastic, because you could do anything; you could be whoever you wanted, see whoever you wanted, go wherever you wanted--the possibilities were endless.

I dreamed that I was back home, eating burnt waffles with my mom when she had her days off, or watching basketball with my dad. I even dreamed I was doing homework! It was a nice break from my horrid reality, and I found myself changing activities once again: this time, to Sage's hammock on her front porch. I imagined I was stretched out with a magazine, gently swaying back and forth in the quiet heat of San Francisco. A soft breeze caressed the back of my neck, and my spine tingled in response. The breeze came in a rhythm that calmed me, and I enjoyed how real it all felt.

Almost too real...

My eye lids tore open like they were waxed off, and I instantly went rigid.  

Aiden's arm was draped over my waist, his face burrowed in my neck, and the feel of bare skin on skin made me beet up so fast that I almost got dizzy.

My towel is gone. My towel is gone. My towel is gone. My towel is gone.

I wanted to stab myself in the eye for being such a damn idiot. Who decides to sleep in only a towel with a stranger?! Me! Because I'm a dumbass!

I desperately didn't want him to wake up, so as stealthily as I could, I slowly began to wiggle out from under his obnoxiously muscled arm.  

Too heavy. Way too heavy. I'd totally wake him up.

Maybe I could pretend to be asleep so if he does see me, he might act like nothing happened, and I can fake that nothing happened too!!

I swallowed hard and forced myself to feign sleep. As if on cue, Aiden yawned loudly in my ear and stretched.  

I held my breath. 


Aiden sat up as I struggled to appear unconscious, and I could feel him staring holes into my bare back. Without warning, he tore the covers off.

I shrieked. "What are you doing?!"

"I didn't think you were actually naked!" He retorted, trying but failing to avert his gaze. I preformed an awkward evasive remover and rolled off the bed; making sure to pull some blankets with me.

"So, what, you thought you'd just check?!"

"Why are you naked?!"

"Why were you under the covers?!"

"It got cold!" He snapped, and watched while I twisted around in the sheets until I resembled a cotton burrito.

"You're a pervert!" I accused from the floor, "A nasty, 30 year old, married, pervert!"

"I'm 23! And who the hell said I'm married?!" He yelled right back, hopping on one leg as he struggled to pull his jeans on. I clutched the fabric around myself and rolled away into the bathroom--bumping my head on the door frame (which was really embarrassing) and slammed it shut.

Stupid Aiden and his stupid getting cold! Isn't he a guy? Guys aren't supposed to get cold! 

I fumed over this while I untangled myself and yanked my clothes on. I hated myself for even thinking that I could share a bed with that tool. So stupid of me!

When I got out, Aiden thankfully had all his clothes on and looked as grumpy as I did. He didn't look at me either, so I refused to look at him as well. This childish game of sheer stubbornness lasted probably for 10 minutes, and when he finally spoke, I startled.

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