Chapter 3 Friend or Enemy?

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Sitting down angrily and agitated at the Gryffindor table, Hermione startled Harry and Ron.

"Hermione?" Harry asked, concern written all over his features. "What's your problem?"

She flung her arms wildly, "Draco! That's my problem, he's always getting under my skin and irritating me, and the sickest thing is, he ENJOYS see my blood boil. He knows he's angering me and he's enjoying every minute of it. If only I could knock his head for another loop, possibly break his nose again."

Harry laughed heartily," Gosh, Hermione, looks to me like you hate 'im more than I do. And that's saying loads." Shoving a fork in her mouth she chewed angrily without another word.

Harry grabbed her hand consolingly," That's just Malfoy, he's a right git. Don't look like you're bothered by him and he'll leave you alone."

" it's hard considering Snake (Snape) put us right next to each other." She pictured his pure blonde waves, and deep gray pools and felt herself become angrier. She glanced over at the Slytherin table, noticing his stormy eyes already staring. He smirked and mouthed something along the lines of," You know you want me Granger." She rolled her eyes and turned. Suddenly a piece of parchment flew towards her face, deftly she caught it, reading out the words inscribed there.


Meet me in the room of requirement when you are done eating. This is rather urgent. Don't be too long.

~ D.

She scribbled a quick response.



And it flew off, searching for the misunderstood Slytherin boy. Draco got up quickly and left, his robes billowing behind him like a dark fog. Hermione felt a pang in her heart at his abrupt absence.

"What was that, Hermione?" Ron asked, " Got yourself a looker?" His ears turned a light shade of pink, jealous?

She waved her hand," Just pointless banter. Luna just was wondering how well I was studying. Speaking of which I must go." She felt bad for lying but it had to be done. Gathering up her courage, she made her way to the room of requirement. Gathering her strength at the door she paused, took a deep breath, and opened the door. She gasped, she didn't expect the sight before her to be real.


Sorry for the short chapter with a bad cliffhanger, the next chapter will be longer.

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