Chapter 10 Christmas and the Shocking Surprise

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Ok, this is the very first 2 numbered chapter! Hope you like it! Vote, Comment, and follow! Love you all my lovely readers!

Christmas came like a blanket upon the grounds of Hogwarts. Snow covered the ground and icicles hung from every available space like freeloaders. The cold whipped in and out of the castle, the only place warm was the dormitories and specific classrooms. Peeves floated around the halls singing his version of •Jingle Bells".
"Jingle bells, Voldy smells, Dumbledore laid an egg.
Minerva's a cat
The old bat.
And I am rather Peeved!"
He cackled, terribly off-tune, his lyrics only making sense in his mind. Bundling up Hermione, Ron, and Harry made their way to Hogsmeade, barely talking along the way. Ron looked over at her and opened his mouth, then thought better of it and shut it. "Hermione I..." He started, but she cut him off.
"Ron, there's nothing left to say, if you won't stand by me and my decisions then there's nothing left."
He grabbed her arm," Hermione, please, just listen to me!" His voice rising. "Please just listen. Hear me, hear US out." He lowered his voice a little, "We stand by you Hermione, it's just that, well, it's hard to just all of a sudden TRUST Draco. He has lied and cheated us before, he has crumbled our trust, he is going to have to build it up again. We will stand by your side, till the end." Harry and Ron squeezed her hand, reassuring her as well as themselves. They each parted ways to search for the perfect gift for each of them. Hermione found broomstick polish for Harry and a portable Wizard's Chess set for Ron. All who was left was Draco, what could she give a boy who could ask for anything he wanted? She settled on an inscribed silver ring with a snakes head in the corner, "Pure of blood, pure of heart." She enchanted it herself to write with a flourish every time he slipped it on. She smiled, it was absolutely perfect. Draco was smooth, suave, it was the perfect gift. It was small, but powerful.

"A new portable Wizard's Chess set! Thanks Hermione!" Ron exclaimed as he hugged her with the set cradled under one arm.
"Score! Broomstick polish! Thank you Hermione!" Each of them embraced each other and Harry buried his head in her hair, Ron her shoulder. "Hermione, here's our gifts." Harry says, gesturing to the two boxes wrapped neatly.
She smiled, "You didn't wrap these yourselves did you?" She gestured to the boxes. They both smiled guiltily, shaking their heads. Inside Ron's gift was a red and gold scarf, an emblazoned Gryffindor crest on the ends.
"Oooh oooh Hermione watch this!" Ron giddily exclaimed. He tapped the edges with his wand tip and they extended into insulated gloves. She slipped her hands inside, smiling as warmth engulfed her. She wrapped her arms around him in another hug.
"I love it! Thank you!"
"Open mine next!" Harry laughed.
Hermione tore through the wrapping paper and inside was.....
"Envelopes?" Hermione exclaimed, incredulous.
Harry laughed again, "that isn't the point Hermione."
"Harry, no you didn't." Hermione breathed. He smiled and whistled, Hedwig swooped in through the window, along with another owl. (Yes, I know Hedwig died, sorry if I spoiled that, but in my version she is alive, I almost cried as much when she died as when Dobby died. And I also know Hermione has a cat, but whatever did happen to Crookshanks? Anyway, I like the owl idea better than the cat, so there :p. Ok, my input is done.) A beautiful barn owl with intelligent amber eyes appraised Hermione and she outstretched her arm. It flew gracefully over and landed on her arm, hooting softly. It clacked its beak, hooting at Hedwig.
"Hermione, this is a male barn owl, but you probably knew that already. Name him whatever you like."
Hermione perched her new pet on her shoulder and looked at him thoughtfully, contemplation written in her features. "I shall name him Gryffin. Short for Gryffindor." She smiled. Gryffin nibbled affectionately on her finger. She sent the two owls off to the Owlery and went to find Draco. They bumped into each other in the hallway of the Room of Requirement, literally.
"Hey Hermione." Draco says huskily.
"Draco." She murmured," I have a surprise for you." She led him inside and gave him the small box.
He smiled, a real genuine smile," Hermione you shouldn't have."
"Draco, just shut up and take your present." She laughed and he obliged.
Opening the box Draco slid on the silver ring, with a snakes head in the corner linking the two sides together.
With a green light the ring glowed," Pure of blood, pure of heart?" He read.
She smiled, "do you like it?"
"Love it, I will wear it everywhere, I promise, now open mine." She graciously accepted the gift, opening it she found a teardrop ruby with a gold chain looped around the gem, leading up to her neck. She slipped it on, smiling as the light refracted red.
"Draco," she breathed, awestruck, "it's beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you." Draco murmured seductively, advancing toward her.
"Woah there Tiger." Hermione placed a hand on his chest.
"Hermione, why do you push me off? Other girls would be dying to be in your position right now, but you seem unfazed by me."
"Because Draco," she started," If you hadn't noticed, I'm not like other girls." She turned, resisting the urge to look into those grey pools that could melt her resolve in an instant if she stared to long.
"That's what I like about you, you're different, a good different. You don't put on a needy front, you are yourself and you don't care at all what others think. In a way I'm jealous of you Hermione, you're a lot stronger than I am, than I'll ever be." Draco flopped onto the couch, sprawling out. Hermione laid on top of him, their lips inches apart.
"Draco, you are strong, strength comes from each of us, INSIDE us. It's up to you to find it and unlock it. Don't be jealous of me, I've had to do things that I'm not proud of, said things that I regret, and hurt some people that I care the most about. Don't be jealous of me, be jealous for me." Their noses touched and Hermione's breath hitched as Draco's warm breath cascaded over her face.
"You're right." He breathed.
"I'm always right." Hermione kissed Draco passionately, reveling in the feel of his lips, the moment was so right. There was no one else in the world that could make sparks explode in her vision, her body heat up, and her resolve crumble. Only Draco and herself were suspended in this time, perfectly Christmas.
"Merry Christmas, Draco."
"Merry Christmas, Hermione."

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