Chapter 14 So Sorry, All My Fault.

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Hey guys, this one chapter, yes this one right here is going to be longer than the others, it is somewhat important. I hope you like it, and you know the drill, press that vote, comment, and follow button :D do it right meow.

Pansy strode up to Draco as he sat in the Great Hall, his eyes searching endlessly for the Gryffindor girl. Sliding beside him she sat on his lap, curling her fingers behind his neck.
"Draco, did you hear?" She whispered in his ear.
"Hear what?" He asked as he gently pushed her off of him, he didn't want to make a scene, but wanting to know the information Pansy Parkinson currently possessed.
She smiled, knowing something he didn't. She touched his Mark, causing it to sting slightly. He made her move her hand, and then she spoke.
"It's about your lover," she spoke the word with contempt. "Did you notice how she wasn't at breakfast this morning?" he nodded, " or wasn't in any of her classes?" another nod, "Come on, put it together Draco, she's been taken!" He quickly stood up clenching his fists.
"Where!" He demanded as Pansy looked at him fear quickly replaced by arrogance.
"To the dungeon." She said cryptically and turned without another word. Hurrying down to the Slytherin dorm room Draco hurriedly grabbed his Invisibility Cloak, his spare wand, and his broomstick, then rushed out of the boundary of Hogwarts grounds. Mounting his broom he kicked off, feeling the wind whipping through his hair, his heart hammering at the thought of recapturing his queen.
The thud of Draco's arrival pounded in his ears as he looked toward the object of so much hardships and agony; his home. He dropped his broomstick and thrust his spare wand in his sock. Pushing open the dark oaken doors he stormed inside, but the other side was prepared. A wand tip was thrust under his mandible and a hand gripped his hair, threatening to scalp him. Freezing was his best option.
"What. Have. You. Done. With. Hermione." Draco spoke through gritted teeth.
"Don't worry about your precious Mudblood, she's safe, for now. Now do you have what we need?" Draco gripped the ten envelopes filled with an assortment of hair from blonde, to brown, to black, to silver, to blood red. "Very good."
"Answer the question. Where's Hermione?" The wand was pushed further into his lifeline.
"Don't test me!" was hissed, "you've outlived your usefulness Draco, your parents wouldn't grieve terribly at your death. There is no use for you, your part in the master plan is complete. It's true that the Dark Lord is gone, but he left me with a plan for revenge lest he meet his demise. You'll be with Hermione very soon." A solid blow was landed on the back of Draco's head, silencing his next outburst. As he fell to his knees, the color bled from the room, green mixing in with gray as his eyes slowly closed.

Waking up Draco felt himself pressed against a cold stone floor. He pushed himself into a sitting position, the rope making it difficult. He crawled forward toward the object in the center of the room. He crawled faster when he realized what it was in the center of the room; Hermione, tied to a chair. Draco couldn't believe it, the girl he watched put the Sorting hat on her head in first year was in front of his eyes, beaten, bruised, and bloodied. And it was all his fault. He cupped her face in his hands, tears prickling in his vision. "Hermione?" He croaked, "are you alright?" He gently prodded her face, being careful not to touch a bruise or scab. He pulled at her eyelids, forcing one open.
Slowly she woke up, "Draco," she whispered, "where.... where are we?"
"Hermione, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have brought you into this, this is all my doing. You're hurt and it's all my fault. So Sorry, All My Fault. So Sorry, All My Fault...." He kept repeating himself until Hermione lightly kicked his shin.
"Draco, I would have gotten myself into this mess irregardless of wether you were involved or not. Right now we need to focus on getting out of here. Any suggestions?"
"I have my extra wand, it's sometimes unreliable since it's so old, but it's worth a shot." He grabbed his ankle and forced the wand out from the confinement of his sock. Pulling the ropes away from Hermione's body he quickly removed them with a simple wand flick. He did the same with his own bondages, "Accio wand." He closed his eyes, praying his reliable wand would come skittering under the door. Thankfully luck was on his side and in a moment it flew effortlessly through the door's slat. He gave his extra wand to Hermione and she summoned her wand.
"Nice work Draco." She quickly hugged him, but quickly winced as she felt her pain come back. She quickly ran her hand through his disheveled shaggy blonde hair touching the back of his head gingerly. As she pulled her hand back, it came back a dark red. "Draco, you're hurt." She quickly turned him around and closed and neatly cleaned his wound. "Let's hurry out of here. Where exactly is here?"
"This is the most depressing side of it, this is my home Hermione." Draco turned toward the left wall. He quickly tapped the third, seventh, and eighth brick in quick succession. A doorframe appeared, he ushered Hermione through it and they both appeared on the edge of the Hogwarts grounds.
"How did this? What? I don't understand....." Hermione muttered to herself.
"Trust me, when you have money you can do numerous things, but that tunnel, along with some others in Malfoy manor were made by me. I got bored during the long summers. For me, school could not come fast enough." They both turned toward the school building, a terrible site lay before them; the school was engulfed in flames in places, and in others it looked as if explosions rocked it to the foundation.

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