Chapter 4 Room of Requirement

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There in the room was Draco, his bare back showing, glistening with sweat and blood. Draco had a knife, poised across his face. Hearing Hermione he turned.

"Do you see what I do to myself?" He whispered in angst, she nodded, unsure of where this was going. " of course you SEE, but do you know why?" He spat, full of contempt. "Do you know why!" He yelled, trapping Hermione against the wall. "Do you understand?" The knife pressed into her wrist, she swallowed, Draco's warm breath washed over her. She looked at his forearm, noticing his Dark Mark etched into his perfect skin, the black ink sitting there malevolently. She shook her head. "Draco." She whispered, fear slowly ebbing into her tone, he shuddered at the sound of her voice, too far gone to notice she was scared," put the knife down. Please." He stared into her eyes a moment, contemplating, then the knife clattered to the floor. Sobbing, he fell into her arms, burying his face into her neck. His tears and blood soaked into her shirt but she didn't care, magic could always fix stains, but not scars. Hermione ran her hand comfortingly through his hair, always wanting to, reveling in the soft texture.

"Hermione." he looked up at her pleadingly," I do this because all I am is a damn puppet, a pawn to HIS dark games. I want to be more, but I'm in fear as to change. I want to change, really I do but, if I do, my family and I will suffer deadly consequences." His cries became louder, he buried his face into the crook of her neck again. She sat gingerly on the floor, pulling Draco into her chest. Sobs wracked his body, Hermione whispered sweet nothings to him, soothing him, while also whispering spells to heal his self inflicted wounds. Soon, his cries died down and he whispered two words, thick with raw emotion," Thank you." A rare bit of words to ever leave his mouth, much less in honesty.

"You're welcome," she replied, still running her hand through his hair. She enchanted the floor to become soft, almost bed-like in quality, she laid down, Draco's head resting upon her chest. He listened to her heartbeat, the rhythm and beat oddly soothing and comforting. "Goodnight Draco." She murmured. He sat up.

"Wait." He captured her face in his hands. Slowly he brought her face down to his, as if testing himself, he lightly brushed his lips to hers. She gently laid a hand on his smooth, toned, pale stomach and they fell asleep, so wrapped up in each other, sleeping soundly on the enchanted floor.


Turning over, Hermione felt a warm, strong pair of arms clasping her waist. She brushed noses with a wide awake Malfoy, his gray orbs burning into her flesh. She blushed, he cracked a smile, one not full of cocky arrogance, a true genuine smile.

"Morning beautiful." He murmured, his warm breath washing over her face.

She smiled at his compliment ," what time is it?"

"Did you forget today's the official start of break, we can sleep in. Besides, I didn't want to wake you, you look so pretty when you sleep." She snuggled closer to him, feeling his warmth radiating into her. "Granger, why is this stone so bloody comfortable?"

She kissed his cheek," Magic, silly." Draco laughed, Hermione loving the sound of this rare beautiful melody.

"Shoulda known." They stayed this way for awhile, laughing and joking, Draco had never laughed so much in his life, his sides were hurting and he clutched his stomach. "Damn Granger, I didn't know you were a comedian." He chuckled.

Hermione wiped a tear from her eye, chuckling," I could say likewise to you Malfoy." He wiped a tear from under her eye.

"We'll do stand up together." She nodded in agreement. "I wish we could spend all day like this," Draco sighed. Hermione nodded. They both got up and headed down to breakfast, Hermione returning the floor to its normal texture. They fixed each others hair and Draco left first, as not to cause any suspicion. Hermione left ten minutes later, walking slowly out to the great hall. The ceiling was enchanted to look like the actual sky, the ceiling was dark, shuddering a few snowflakes. Hermione caught one on her tongue, surprisingly they were real, but it was warm in the hall. "Magic never ceases to amaze." Hermione whispered, making her way to the Gryffindor table.

"Looks like someone slept in." Ron observed, egg clinging to his chin.

"It's none of your business what I do Ronald." She snapped, instantly regretting it when his face fell. "Sorry," she muttered," I'm still tired, I stayed up late studying."

"It's alright." Ron said, taking another bite of egg. Harry's face was hidden in the newest Daily Prophet. "Sirius hasn't been in the news, but I haven't received an owl."

"Don't worry." Ron stated," Sirius has Buckbeak, he should be just fine. No one wants to go up against an angry Hippogriff." Harry laughed,"True. After all, he's an Animagus, it'll be ok."

" 'course he will." Hermione nodded reassuringly. They ate in silence, Hermione casting quick glances over at the boy who completely stole her heart.


Ok, this chapter was incredibly fun to write, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Personally this is my favorite chapter so far. So please, vote, comment, and follow :)

(Dramione) Mudblood and a MalfoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora