Chapter 11 Letter from Sirius

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(A/N I also know that Sirius was murdered by Bellatrix Lestrange, but this quirky Animagus was to amazing to let go of, so he is alive along with Hedwig, I am also contemplating putting Dobby in this fan fiction as well. Should I? I feel this is kinda tiresome, but it makes my day when you vote, comment and follow :) so yea, do that xD Enjoy!)

A huge black dog crowned Hermione's dreams, it was in different places, but always the same: a black dog, bruised, bloodied and yelping was underfoot of a dark hooded figure. Every time Hermione would run toward the animal, time would slow, she felt like she was running through quicksand. Hearing her heart pounding in her ears she could barely make out the two words that were uttered by the hooded figure.
"Avada Kedavra!" Then, the shot of light would hit the animal, striking it dead, then it would laugh menacingly and Apparate.
Cool wind whipped through Hermione as she woke up in her room. Gazing around groggily she noticed the window was open, and Hedwig was fluttering around on the floor. Curious, Hermione picked up Hedwig and found a letter tethered to her leg, even stranger still, it was addressed to HER. Tearing open the envelope Hermione starts to read Sirius's long loopy handwriting.

I am writing this to you as I have quickly escaped the Death Eaters clutches with some disturbing and unsettling news. They are following me, Hermione, no where is safe. Right now I am currently hiding somewhere in Hogsmeade, I will not disclose the exact location, as not to make you a target. For this reason of being anonymous, do use another owl besides Hedwig, she is a beautiful bird, but she sticks out like a sore thumb. This information must be taken to McGonagall right away, this is very urgent. Voldemort's followers are planning an attack on Hogwarts, be on your guard! They plan on going in through the catacombs, or Transfiguration, or a Polyjuice potion. Those were the three ideas they discussed. Countermeasures must be taken immediately. Please, for Harry's sake, do not disclose this information until two weeks, just to be safe. I trust you with this Hermione, don't let me down.

Hermione folded the letter, the weight of what she was told settling uneasily around her. She hurried out quickly to find the Professor.

Draco huffed, this meeting wasn't any fun, it was interrupted by a big black dog, something he personally wasn't too concerned about, but someone chased the animal away with vigor.
"Any more suggestions on how to get into Hogwarts?" Bellatrix Lestrange asked as she re-entered the room.
"You can have my hair!" Pansy offered, pulling at a chunk. "It would confuse them as to which one is the real me, they wouldn't kill one of their own students."
She considered the offer, tapping her chin softly with her fingers, "That is definitely an interesting idea, it is to be considered." Pansy puffed out her chest, while Draco rolled his eyes. Typical Pansy.
"Draco," Bellatrix purred, her voice like ice.
"Yes?" He squeaked, blushing for sounding weak.
"After your last failure, I want a success this time! Do you understand?! I want you to get as much hair samples as possible, as random as you can, but make sure they are all seventh years or teachers, they are without a doubt the least questioned and able-bodied. Also, scout out the catacombs for the fastest route inside. Is that clear?" Draco nodded, his Dark Mark burning wildly as he was being directly ordered.
"Speak!" She ordered.
"Yes sir! I mean uh, ma'am." Draco stuttered out as it was Pansy's turn to roll her eyes. Then, afterwards the meeting flowed smoothly, as smoothly as an evil meeting could get he supposed.
An unsettling feeling settled in the pit of Draco's stomach as he contemplated on how to break this disturbing news to Hermione.
"Hermione Granger, this is absurd!" McGonagall chastised," are we absolutely certain we can trust Hogwarts with the information disclosed by Sirius Black?!" She shook her head," Preposterous, I could never convince the other teachers."
"Professor, you misunderstand. Simply put, precautions need to be taken. The catacombs need to be blocked off, and no one can be allowed in or out. Everyone should be kept in the Great Hall at night and be walked to class by a trusted teacher. Just simply a precaution, you didn't think that the war would simply be over because Voldemort is gone did you?"
McGonagall flinched, but shook her head and sighed,"I suppose not. But how can I convince the other teachers of these words from a Sirius Black?"
"Just tell them the truth, the safety of the students is the most important priority isn't it?"
"Yes, alright, you have proven a good point Hermione, I shall inform them of this here shortly." McGonagall sighed.
"Thank you Professor." Hermione shook Minerva's hand and exited, bumping into another student. "Sor-" she was interrupted by a hand covering her mouth.
"Shush, I've got something to confess Hermione, I need your help." Draco whispered, Hermione nodded. They hurried to the Room of Requirement, their new safe haven. "Hermione, I've been hiding something. Bellatrix is planning an attack on Hogwarts. They plan on using a Polyjuice to sneak in through the catacombs and attack at night."
"Draco, I know this. Sirius Black informed me."
"So that was the dog they chased away!"
Hermione nodded her head. "Yes, since he's an Animagus he has been spying on some of the meetings you have been having. I'm sorry but it was necessary." Her face turned pink.
"It doesn't matter, he probably helped a lot in the long run anyway. Did you tell McGonagall?" Another nod. "What did she say?"
"She would inform the teachers and precautionary measures will be taken."
"Good, I guess that's all that can be done. But make sure all the teachers and seventh years keep their hair about them, we don't want any of them becoming a recipe in the Polyjuice potions."
She laughed, "don't worry Draco, hairnets will be passed about."
He nodded then smiled," Good Hermione," he patted her head like a puppy.
She scowled at him, "Stop that."
"My bad." He smirked and left, pecking her cheek. She touched her cheek, the warmth still lingered there.
What happened to the Draco Malfoy I thought I knew? She wondered, He's not what I expected him to be like. Only if others would give him a chance like I have, then they'd see the real Draco.

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