1924 Part 3

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Francois was no where to be found. Hans saw less and less of him each day. The strange thing was Francois was always around when he looked out his window, but if he went out to talk to him, he was no where to be found. No matter, his goal today was to find the necessary help to get rid of that stain.

After leaving the dining room last night, he had gone back to his bedroom. It was hotter then before. Hans had finally taken the pillow and blanket, and slept on the floor in one of the smaller rooms.

The stain was still there in the morning, and it was as hot as ever.

“Francois! Where are you?” Hans called, walking around to the back of the house. In the back he saw a few gardening tools scattered about, left on the ground like they were just dropped. But no Francois.


Hans spun around at the sound of his name.

“My friend, what are you doing back here?” Karl said.

Why did Karl care if he went to his backyard?

“I’m looking for Francois. We have work to do.”


“Yes yes! Francois. You know the guy you see every time you come here, working in the garden?”

“Oh, him? I thought his name was Sean.”

“What?” How could Karl not know Francois name after all this time?

“Nevermind. What work are you doing today? Let me guess, something to do with the place?”

“That’s right Karl, and you don’t have to be sarcastic about it. There’s a stain on the marble I didn’t notice before. I want to replace it. It’s getting too hot.”

“The stain is getting too hot?”

“Yes! There is a large stain under my dining room table, and it’s giving off heat. I can’t sleep at night.”

“Oooookay. Well. I could get you a guy to replace that for you, but he doesn’t come cheap. He’s the best in town though.”

“Price is not an object. Just get that replaced for me.”

“Consider it down my friend. Now on to other business. Bob says…”

Hans mind wandered away from the conversation as Karl explained all the great things he and Bob were doing, from putting Royallite Company out of business, to having the Rockefellers call on them. Hans couldn’t care less.

The more he thought about the stain, the more it disturbed him. It didn’t make sense he didn’t see it until last night. He knew every inch of that house, it was his new love. The stain was a fairly large circle, there would be no missing it.

McConnell’s second wife miscarrying three times, as well as Hook’s wife being burned alive at the place might have a connection he started to think. The stain was blight on the house, giving bad luck to whoever was there. And he had touched it with his bare palm last night. He shivered, wanting to scrub his hand clean with soap and water.

“Are you OK Hans?” Karl asked, noticing him shivering, “You are missing my story about how the Rockefellers are starting to take business tips from me.”

“That’s nice Karl. But I really need to get that marble replaced. Is there anyway you can get a hold of you guy and do it today?”

“That soon? What’s the rush? Oh right, the house the house the house. Maybe I’ll ask Sean, I mean Francois if he knows anyone. Those types of people always know each other.”

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