1932 Redux Part 3

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Ted released himself from the hospital next day, but not before making plans with Nurse Michelle to thank her for everything she done for him. In reality it was to do things to her. He wanted to stay longer, but he was also itching to see what his wife left for him, and any other surprises she had kept hidden.

Ted caught a taxi, but only after agreeing to the cab driver’s demand that he could leave him at the end of the road leading up to the place. Ted of course heard about the McConnell house, mostly from his dumber patients. He wondered what Agatha was thinking when she bought the place. Maybe Walton made some money off the deal, and seduced her. Ted couldn’t think of any other reason anyone would waste their time with her.

He threw the cabbies money; minus tip, at the driver, and got out of the car. The cabbie made a u-turn, flipping Ted off as he drove off. Yeah, and when you get sick and have to come see me, you’ll have a different attitude Ted thought. He started walking up the road to his new house.

Ted had a splitting headache by the time he got there. Another thing to thank Agatha for. Even beyond the grave she was ruining her life. But at least the house wasn’t as bad as Ted thought it would be.

It was a little run down, he heard from Michelle no one had lived in it since 1924. But he saw potential. For one it was at least twice as big as his own place, just like that jerk lawyer said it would be. Cheating dickhead. He thought if he sold his old place, he could renovate this to tip top shape, with a little cash left over.

The place looked oddly familiar to him, but he couldn’t place it. As he opened the front gate to go in, it came to him. The front of the house looked sort of like a face, feminine in appearance.

Agatha drove him into the arms of another woman, Ted thought. Smiling despite his headache, he walked in to his new house. Good ol’ Agatha.

“You know I’m saving myself for marriage, naughty boy.” Michelle pouted like a little girl, pretending to be angry at Ted and his advances.

“Didn’t you live through the 20’s, my dear? Marriage is passé, live a little on the edge.” Ted was the one really pouting, not getting what he wanted.

“I’m an old fashion girl. I like things done right and proper.”

Ted had been seeing Michelle for over two months now, and he hadn’t gotten past first base with her. No matter what he tried, Michelle continued to shut him down. The worse part was that she seemed to enjoy it. No matter how aggressively Ted tried to get in the sack with her, with her leaving him to nothing more then a cold shower, she would continue to show up to be with him. In fact, the longer they were together, the more seductive she would dress.

Today she was wearing a sleeveless dress, not unlike those they did wear in the 20’s. She wore her brunette hair down, curls spilling over her bare shoulders. It was all enough to drive Ted wild, but the worse part was the dress seemed to enlarge her boobs, making them look bigger then ever. Michelle made Betty look like a plain tomboy and Agatha like complete trash.

“You know you’re making me crazy right?”

“Maybe so, Ted, dear. But that’s just the way it is. If you want to bring this relationship any further, there has to be commitment.”

“We’ve only been seeing each other for a couple of months!”

“If I am really worth it, you’d wait.”

“Well, baby-doll, you do know I’m moving into my new place this week. It’s twice the size of this, and it’s going to be so lonesome up there. I might need a companion; after I get over my wife that is.”

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