two against three

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tina pov

"yea I wont be in this you do not need to know my whereabouts.....Ashley I have made myself clear" and with that Ben ended the call. He started shuffling papers around his mahogany desk and organizing them in the manilla foulders feathers out on it.

"TINA" he yelled to just jump back into his black leather seat at the sight of me. his huge hand covered his broad chest as he took a couple recuperating breaths. "please stop doing that you know how scared I get" he said holding his hand out for me to take.

"im sorry...i just cant believe we have to do this again" I answered honstly. His tense pose became relaxed and he brought our intertwined fingers to his lips. He placed a lingering kiss on our contrasting hands and pulled me closer into his embrace. His hand rested on the small of my back and his chin rested in my nest that resided on the top of my head.

"We will only be gone for a week pumpkin and then everything will go back to normal" he reassurd me softly. I never understood how calm he could be at really stressful times like this. He ran his fingers through my black curls to calm me down.

A huge crashing sound downstairs was followed with "oooooooooooo ur going to be in trouble now" from two boys voices I knew to well.

Ben and I broke apart quick and he followed close behind me down the bare wooden stairs. The sounds of our feet making contact with the floor were sirens to the kids as they all quickly dispersed.

We were met with one of our house cameras laying so helplessly in the center of our foyer. Ben cut his eyes at me...he and I were thinking the same thing.

"I guess its two against three now hmm?" He questioned me raising his eyebrow. I couldn't help but chuckle. I can still remember the day I told Ben I was pregnant with Marci.

"BABEEEEE " I screamed out once I entered the house. I stood in the foyer waiting for Ben to answer. But before I could wait any longer my morning snack was making its appearance again. I ran down the hall to the nearest bathroom and emptied my stomach. At least I now knew why I couldn't keep anything in my stomach.

I clutched my stomach with one hand and held the pregnancy test in my other. The amount of big foot pounding against the hardwood floors became more clear. He must have heard me regurgitating. The door knob started rattling and before I knew it Ben was stabilizing me as I reached for the counter top of the sink. I was covered in sweat and the room started running circles around me.

"Pumpkin I'm going to carry you to the couch okay" he said worryingly. He knows I've been throwing up lately but I don't think he noticed the pregnancy test that fell out of my hand in the bathroom.

He scooped me up in his arms and places a soft kiss on my forehead.once we reached the living room he sat on the deep red velvet couch with me still in his embrace. He loosened his grip and rubbed my thigh giving me a sympathetic look.

"I think you need to go to the doctor Tina " he said almost questioningly. I took a deep breath and stared into his deep blue eyes. He looked so worried about me I had to relive him.

"Sweety..." I said rubbing the stubble on his chin. "I know why I'm throwing up so much...and I don't know how happy you will be" I finished with my voice tapering off.

The vein in his neck was screaming to be let free against his peach skin and his face filtered into a ttomato red quickly. He was angry. Very angry. And I didn't know why.

" could u do this to yourself" he said with anger spilling from his words. My eyes bulged out of my head as I stared at him with confusion "what the hell are you talking about?" I asked him a little irritated now.

"You are perfect just the way you are! I don't know why would go to these lengths!" He said now detaching himself from me and pacing the living room. I sat in confusion for a few moments until it finally clicked in what he was saying.

I stood up off the couch and stomped over to Ben. I looked up at him and before I knew it my hand contacted with his face. He gave me a look of uncertainty as tears streamed down my face. "I can't believe you would think I would do such a thing to my body" I turned my back on him and sobbed "especially while Im pregnant"..before I could catch myself Ben turned me around to him and stared at me with tears brimming his eyes.

" Tina you are....what..?" He asked hesitantly. He tilted his head down to meet mine "I'm pregnant Ben. Not bulimic" I answered with my eyes glued to the Victorian carpet underneath us. He took a deep breath and held me close. "I'm...I'm so so sorry pumpkin I. ...." His talking faded into background noise as I thought about me being pregnant again.

"I think it might be a girl this time" I said to him. He kissed me all over my face "I guess that makes it three against two now" he said with a light laugh. Our family of four was now becoming a family of 5. And I couldn't be happier.

He was elated but quickly gained his composure with saying "its three against two now"

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