Part 9

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we finally pulled up the small brick driveway that was hidden by the evergreen. The small yellow cottage set surrounded by the calm trees. No one but Tina and i know about this house-I was planning to tell my brother sometime but at a time like this I am glad I never got around to telling him. 

Looking in the back seats all the kids were knocked out. Their heads were hanging at different sides and their mouths wide open. Tina beside me is staring straight ahead-almost as she is in a trance. I remove a loose curl from her face and tuck it behind her ear. This brings her out of her thought and she turns to me. Her big brown orbes were filled with something i dont remember seeing in her eyes since we were in college. It was a mix of anger and sadness and she seemed to have been fighting with herself for a bit. I kissed her on her temple and proceeded to gather the children out of the car and she followed. 

Tina POV

It was pretty late and the kids were all taken care of and fast asleep. I sat in the large burgundy winged arm chair. Both of my legs tucked under each other as I rested my elbows on the arm rest. I started gazing out the window into the vast depths of the forest. The colors were serene. A deep velvet purple with highlights of blue that were created by the moon peeking in through the trees. There was a soft breeze that made its way past my face and washed in the earthy scent I love so much. I heard a soft creek that I decided to ignore. I just wanted to remove myself from all of this craziness that love has basically brought me. 

Warmth engulfed my shoulders and I jumped in response. I looked up to see ben standing over me with his hands up in surrender. I let out a breath I didnt know I was holding and looked down at my feet. I didnt know what to say-I was tired; exhausted. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my hair and left kisses all over. "lets get some rest" he said in a low tone. I looked at him to see his eyes were commanding-leaving no room for me to interject. I did as he said and climbed into the lilac sheets.

I laid on my side facing the window I was previously staring out of.When I felt the bed dip I flipped to my other side to be met with the familiar set of blues. He reached for me and pulled me into him. his arms wrapped around me tightly and he ran his fingers up and down my back softly. he pressed a lingering kiss on my forehead. "tina" he whispered into my hair. I looked up to be met with remorseful eyes. "im so sorry...for everything" He said. I gave him a confused look "for what?....are you...cheating on me?" I asked in a joking manor. He let out a chuckle "no pumpkin im being serious sorry for putting you in this mess. I should have let you go" he said no longer making eye contact with me. My heart sank as to what he was referring to. 

Back in our younger days Ben was the biggest player I knew. In college he was part of the worse frat anyone at school could be a part of. We had been a "thing" for a maybe a month and that fling ended when I caught him in bed with Carri, some sororitys biggest slut around. It was my fault for even having a fling with a Sammy frat guy-I thought it would be fun to just fuck around and it was. When I caught him in bed with her I was honestly relieved-it was a way of telling me it was over and I should move on. Little did I know Ben would be the broken hearted one that couldnt let me go.


As I held her I think she started drifting off to sleep as my last remark got no response. She as been falling asleep on me lately but at this time I didnt mind. I should have let her go echoed in my mind. She wouldnt be nearly as stressed or on the run with me. My mind drifted back to the day she caught me with that slut back in college. It was senior year and I will never forget it.

"Maaaan how are you still only fucking Tina?" Jack said chugging a beer before our tailgate. "Yea dude what has gotten into you? you have usually done at least 6 girls by now!" Ryan chimed in as he got the cases of beer out of the fridge. "guys i honestly dont know i dont need another girl right now im fine with just Tina" I said stuffing the left over pizza rolls down my throat. "oh gosh...big ben is pussy whipped!" Ryan screamed for the entire house to hear. "wow so kendrick was right? the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice huh?" matt added coming from around the corner. I had never gotten angry at the guys talking shit about any girl I had gotten with but this time something in me made my blood boil. "shes not a piece of meat you idiots! so stop talking about her like she is!" I yelled removing myself from the long wooden table. "whoa dude calm down, if i didnt know any better i would think you actually like her..." Jack said hitting the rim of my baseball cap. 

I was starting to fall for her...but i couldnt ruin my college rep by admitting i was falling in love with her especially after only a month. I was hella sure she was not falling for me. After sex she either got up and left or kicked me out of her place. I had never had a girl kick me out or voluntarily leave. They usually begged me to stay. She was the biggest mystery and it just turned me on. "guys calm down im not falling for her" "then prove it!" matt cut in. "i heard Carri wants a good time with you-and she sucks dick real good. Tina doesnt even suck dick.does she." he raised his eyebrow testing me. Anger got the best in me and I shoved him across the kitchen floor. I was about to get on top of him to make a good blow to his nose until Jack and Ryan grabbed me stopping me. With heavy breathing I backed away and matt kept that smug look on his face. " A black girl pussy whipped big ben..would you look at that" he said getting up from the floor. "i bet you 50$ you are so whipped you wont get with Carri tonight" i thought back to how in love i was already with Tina and how she probably got with me to say she slept with big ben. "you have a deal you shit head" i said shaking his hand. 

That night I had forgot tina was going to come over to fuck after the beach themed party. She hates sororities so much  she waits until after the part is over to set foot in the frat house. the entire night Carri was all over me-I couldnt bring myself to make out with her during the party and i rejected her twice forgetting 50$ was on the line and my dignity. When the party was over she got whinny as all the girls in that sorority did when they weren't getting their way. "why wont you pay attention to me!" she cried and stomped her foot. Carri was the basic thin blond that we all usually went after, they were really good lays and no one really respected their feelings.

I saw matts face over in the corner with a challenging look on his face. It reminded me of the mission tonight. To get with Carri and get my 50$. I grabbed her fake tanned hand and led her up to my room. the guys were right-she gave head really well as she sucked me dry. But once her clothes came flying off visions of a petite carmel brown body came into my vision. "damnit" i thought as i now couldnt get her out of my head. I decided i would pretend she was Tina and she lowered herself on me. I was going through the motions, not really thinking as she faked every moan in hopes to turn me on. 

I didnt hear anyone enter the room until I heard a "wow" from a familiar voice. 

That was the day I started to chase Tina everywhere. around campus, her room, anywhere i thought she would be. I was determined to get her to at least talk to me again. it got to the point where we had a screaming match in the house. she told me to my face she didnt care about me and wanted me to never speak to her again. She tried to storm out but I pulled her back and pinned her to the wall. I couldnt let her go. 

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