dream or reality

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Tina POV

It was the middle of the night, and my bladder started tapping at the door begging to be let out as it always does this time of night. I shimmied myself out of Ben's tight grip and made my way to our bathroom. On the way there I heard a ruffling sound. It was pretty loud and persistent and seemed to be coming from the hallway.

Curiosity killed the cat and out the doors I went to follow the noise. By the time I took a couple more steps it seemed to stop. And a flash of light from the woods made its way through the large glass window. Extremely confused and now a bit scared I stood still until it hit me.

"Nonononono" I started panicking. I ran into the boys room to see them buried beneath their sheets peacefully. My heart dropped when I went into Marci's room to find no Marci. Her pink elephant was on the floor and her sheets were ruffled and emptied. I started to scream. This had to be a dream. I had to wake myself up from it. Ben came running into the room pulling me up from the ground. It wasn't long until he figured out why I was screaming. He started to panic and pulled out his phone and made a call. I ran into the boys room to see them waking from my horrifying screams. "Come on boys come to mommies room" I said taking the covers off of Ty. "What's wrong mommy?" He asked me still lathered in sleep. "Everything is going to be okay alright?" I tried to reassure them, and partially myself.


As I put the phone to my ear I couldn't believe what was happening. When I heard Tina scream I became extremely confused, and seeing her on the floor so broken with Marci missing I wanted to cry. I couldn't cry though, not then, I had to stay strong for her. After all this is my fault right?

"Yes?" Eric said on the other line. "She's gone...dude she's gone!" I said panicking but thinking about my next move at the same time. "She took Tina again?!" He asked worried. "No Marci!" I said now with tears streaming down my face. "I just heard Tina screaming dude...and I ran into the room and she...she was gone." I said so defeated whipping my tears. "We have to find her!! When I get my hands on Madeline I swear I'll choke her out with my own two hands and watch the life leave her eyes" I said menacing. "Dude you have to get Tina and the boys safe first" he said trying to calm me down. "Your mom is a lunatic but she isnt just going to hurt her flat out..she will wait before doing anything drastic to her" he said attempting to calm me down.

"What should I do?! Where do I keep them?!" I screamed through the phone. "I will never forgive myself in anything happens to her..or the rest of my family...I just...I'm putting everyone in danger-" "they can stay with me and Lauren" Eric said cutting me off. "Dude are sure?" I ask a bit concerned. "We have a concrete underground home-we use it when the Lord's try to get us. It has saved us every time." He said matter of fact.

I still couldn't believe Eric was part of the dirty money life. He became command a couple years after college and it made him billions. But with that came a price-running for his life almost every week. Him and Lauren decided having kids wouldn't be safe so mine are like theirs.

"Alright dude I'm counting on you" I said to him giving in. I had nothing else to turn to to keep them safe while trying to find Marci. I knew Tina would not be down with sitting back and letting me take control-shes always in control. But I hope she understands this time. "Tina is like my sister and those kids are basically mine. Lauren and I will keep them safe; we swear on our own lives" Eric answered. It was nice to be able to trust someone that wasn't Tina in this mess. "Thanks man...I owe you" "nah we are even- I'll have Jake come pick them up in the morning" he answered. I ended the call and sat to breath. Her pink elephant was laying there lifeless. I picked it up to smell her scent which triggered more tears.

Tina came into her room to see me on the floor a blubbering mess. I couldn't hold it in anymore.I was heaving and I couldn't control my breathing. My eyes were glossed over with the access tears and I just couldn't stop. She came down to me on the floor and cupped my face. Tears were threatening to fall from her eyes as she stared back at me. "I'm sorry..." I said in between cries. "I'm so..so..sorry". I couldn't look at her, I felt so helpless and the cause for this mess. " it's not ur fault" she said giving me a kiss on the forehead. She sat in my lap and held me close. My breathing finally leveled off and I had cried all the tears I had. "Honey bee you are going to hate me" I said looking her straight in the eye. "Are you cheating on me?" She said light-hearted. That made me chuckle a little. "No but...you and the boys are going to have to go away for a bit...until we find her." I said. She stared me in the eye for what seemed like eternity. She was thinking about what she could say.

"Are you crazy?! I birthed her! I carried her for 9 months! Shes...she's my baby Ben! I'm not going to let you just lock me away while you try to find my baby!!" She said semi screaming at me. I expected her to be angry, I know her too well to think she was just going along with it. "I'm doing this to keep you safe. She will hurt you again Tina! Pumpkin please don't fight with me on this I'm doing this for your safety" I said pleading with her. I held her down to me so she couldn't up and leave. "You arnt leaving until you agree with me" I said. She looked at me and made this face that showed defeat. "Fine Ben. Fine. You better be right about this" I kissed her full lips before letting her go. It might be the last time I get to kiss those lips in a while.

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