queen mommy

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Tina POV

Ben came home around 9 pm. I was surprised he even came home tonight with the amount of work thay needed to be done. We had an interview with a local news station in a few days and The View has been asking to have us come on the show for our "interracial relationship " youtube video for a while.

I knew that didn't quite sit well with ben- he wasn't the one to out or put our relationship out there for the world to pick apart.

He came in looking distraught. He sat down at the kitchen island with one hand in his hair. He stared at his food but didn't really touch it. "Sweety what's wrong?" I asked him coming up behind him. I put my hands through his hair and he leaned back into my chest. "It's Eric...he told Tori...everything"

I stopped with my hands still in his hair. She must think we are all monsters. "What are you going to do about it?" I asked him going back to soothing his head. He took a deep breath.

"I honestly thought about killing her" he said so seriously. I stopped and snatched my hands back like I had just touched a hit stove.

"Ben what?!" I shrieked. He turned around to look at me with an unreadable expression. "I'm not going to pumpkin!" He said now raising up from the stool.

I kept my hands at my side not being able to move. He engulfed me with his warmth wrapping his arms around me and leaving kisses in my hair. "How many?" I asked him partially pulling away. He looked at me confused. "How may what?"

"People have u killed.." I finished now breaking out of his embrace. "pumpkin.."

"No Ben." I said holding my ground. I crossed my arms and stood by the window waiting for him to bullshit me. To my surprise he didn't.

Taking a deep breath he walked around me and sat at the booth behind me. I turned to look at him and he had his arm held out for me to take. Getting comfortable in his lap he wrapped his arms around my waist and looked up into my eyes. They were becoming glossy and lost.

"Promise me...just promise me you won't take my life away?" He asked with tears running out of his eyes. My heart sank. "What do you mean take your life away?" I asked softly rubbing his neck trying to sooth him.

"You and.. Gray and Ty and my...my..baby Marci" he cried wiping his eyes. He was starting to hyperventilate and I held him close to my chest waiting for his cries to subside.

"Honey" I said sympathetically. Cradling his head I lifted it up for our eyes to meet. Tears were still rapidly flowing from his eyes. "I would never" I said now placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

"So many men want you..and you could do so much better than me you don't need me but I need you...alot" he sniffled. "Where is this coming from?" I asked a bit confused with him still holding on to me for dear life.

"Do you like Eric?" He asked seriously. "What?" I asked so confused at this point. "Well he likes you..alot"

"Of course he does hes like my brother" i said cutting him off. "No he like likes you...like wants to sex you up and impregnate like you" he said a bit angrily.

After a long pause I answered. "I love him but not in the way he wants  me to" I said truthfully. He looked up at me with hopeful baby blues. "I sincerely love you" he said kissing my stomach. "I don't deserve yo-" "stop it Ben" I cut him off.

"I love you. You are too good of a man for me to just up and walk away from. You do what you do because you have to and you are not a monster baby" I said kissing him.

"I trust you. I know you would never do those things to us." I finished wiping away the tears that kept flowing from his eyes.

"27" he said with his hands getting sweaty.

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