sleeping beauty

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Tina pov

"oooohh-" I was cut off by Bens hand suppressing my loud moan as he went deeper and deeper inside me. His long hard strokes were hitting me in all the right places as we were both breaking out in a light sweat. I could feel my walls clenching around him as a warm gust washed over my body. he took his large pad of his finger and began to assault my clit. My back automatically arched pressing my chest into his. My breathing became hitched and he began his feast on my aching breasts. 

Ben started to lightly nip on my aroused buds as I tangled my hands in his soft curls. The fabric under us was now drenched in our juices and sweat and the rooms aroma was becoming infested with our body odors. My body couldnt take the pleasure any longer as Ben continued to pump into me faster-so thick it felt like he was engraving his mark on my walls. "i cant" i whispered to him "i....i cant take it anymore!" I said trying to pull his mouth off of my breast. His lips were now swollen from the deep sucking and he placed them softly on top of mine.

"baby just a little bit can do it" he said back to me in a tone filled with lust. My body was trembling at this point and my inner thighs were slowly numbing themselves. I never understood his stamina. When we were in our younger days it was prime but now that im older I cant seem to keep up with him anymore. He placed his lips on top of mine as he seemed to suck the life out of me.

When he finally pulled out I laid there motionless as black spots were peering in my vision. He kissed from my jaw down to my belly. He gave each one of my stretch marks their own kiss as he says they are a reminder that I am his and only his. 

Before I could fully recover I felt his head between my legs and his soft lips greeting my assaulted ones down below. He sucked on my clit hard-then nipped at it before starting his feast down below. I couldnt survive any more orgasms as i became lightheaded and the room started to spin. All I can remember is letting out a scream before everything went black.

ben pov

I finished sucking her juices before I kissed back up her soft brown skin.  I always stop at her stretch marks and admire them.They are probably my favorite part of her body for they are a symbol of her love for me-her willingness to deform her perfect body to create a life with me. I continue my journey up her body-one I love more than my own to take a look at her face. She passed out which puts a smile upon my face.

This is exactly what I had in mind when I ripped off her favorite underwear. Shes been so tense these past few days and I wanted her to rest-and to let go of all her stress. I traced along  her little button nose and her plump lips spacing out-getting lost in the thought of her. The memory of almost loosing her came to mind. A bit to vividly.

"FUCK OFF BEN!" Tina screamed at me. Her big brown eyes were puffy and pink from heavy crying. Her cheeks were tear stained and looking a the damage I did my heart sank. "Tina no-im not going anywhere if you would just let me explain!" I pleaded with her. I went to grab her hand but she pulled away as if she had just touched a  burning stone.

we had been apart for seven months because of my boyish ways. I couldnt settle down and give her what she deserved- but my aching pull for her was just too strong. Everytime I fucked those other girls I would imagine it beng her beautiful staring back at me. I couldnt settle down but a selfish part of me couldnt get her out of my mind. Within those months I tried to contact her but she wouldnt answer any of my calls, text, or any source of communication. She had caught Kimberly and I sucking faces at the bar and ever since she avoided me. I couldnt blame her but i couldnt just give up on the only girl i ever gave a damn about

My anger built up when I saw her and Chris sharing a moment at Catalinas. It pissed me off seeing another guy with his hands on her and took all my willpower to not smash his face against the floors. I didnt know what it was about Tina but she was one I wasnt wiling to let go.

"we. are. done...what about those THREE WORDS DONT YOU UNDERSTAND?" she spat in my face maliciously. "NO. WE ARE NOT YOU WONT EVEN LET ME EXPLAIN" I yelled back at her. we were now having a verbal battle across her small living room. "why are you even here?" she asked with her eyes never leaving mine. "i made a mistake! i was drunk and you wouldnt answer any of my calls Tina!" I tried to reason with her.

"that was the POINT Ben! I dont need your ridiculous excuse of why you and Kimberly were doing who knows what!...we are done! no more! " she said dismissivly not letting her guard down. "your willing to throw two years...YEARS out the window. just like that?! all the times we shared all the secrets!" I said to her sincerely. "dont you DARE put this on me " she said pointing her small finger at me."You did this Ben YOU, not me im just trying to move the hell on!" she said as I made my way over to her and pinned her to the wall. She winced in paint and started sobbing. Her eyes were sealed shut as she started to shake. "Tina...whats wrong...?" I asked her deeply concerned. I have always pinned her to the wall when she wouldnt listen to me in the past, never hurting her and now shes wincing in pain and that is scarring me. I retracted myself a bit and she finally opened her eyes with fear etched in them. 

"just...dont hit me ben please.." she said so softly looking down at her feet. her voice was shaky as ive never seen her so scared. she grabbed her arm and slowly rubbed it. I knew something was wrong. "tinker are you okay?" I asked so concerned. she shyly nodded and i brought her arm to me. she winced in pain as I rolled up her sleeve and I was instantly infuriated. the huge  bruise that resided on her arm looked fresh. and only one name came to mind-Chris.

"who did this to you?" i asked her with tears brimming in my eyes. she looked at me with helpless eyes as tears started streaming down her face. The more she cried, the more they washed her face-the more her makeup revealed the bruise under her eye. Her breathing became hitched as she tried to speak-"he...he...he said he would never do it again" she choked out. i caressed her face with my thumb as i couldnt believe he put his hands on my Tina. I pulled her small frame into my embrace as her crying became more violent as her back continued to vibrate. thats when i realized why she was in the hospital for an entire month-it wasnt her heart murmur nor her asthma. Chris had beat the shit out of her and I couldnt be more angry. she almost died that month and I remember visiting her while she was unconscious. i beat myself up for it.

"im not going to let anything happen to you okay i would never hurt you pumpkin im..gosh im so sorry" i said wiping away my tears. "just...can you stay with me..just for tonight? please ben im scared" she pleaded through her bruised face and bloodshot eyes. "im staying forever never leaving you again" I said placing a kiss on her forehead

I kept my promise to her. I promised to never leave her side and always keep her safe. I intend on doing that now-even if its keeping her safe from my own mother.

Mimi (BWWM)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon