Chapter 2- A New Day

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A new week has come in the glorious (note sarcasm) city of Toronto, a smaller district unknown to most; a town which could almost be declared as a paper town.

The sunny rays shone brightly as I woke up with the one thing that ruined my happiness after summer holidays.

I had to go back to school, you will think that I'll be those types of girls that love school just because I have good grades and everybody's loves me because I am very social.

My best friend Zen, the best friend in the world has the best computer tricks, he can hack into anything that uses electricity; then I have Jane, she can drive anything on wheels..., she was wanted in two states but now I got her to stop – well, stopped her from driving fast that is - and not adding having the gorgeous boyfriend in the whole universe.

Kyle, who has cute little dimples whenever he smiles, ahhh, the way his wavy long locks moves whenever he shakes his hair or when he bends down and his hair just falls down, he has thick brown hair and he makes me feel amazing in other words, he just..., Kyle, that the only way I can describe him, he is just unique.

Those were the three main people in my life that I cherished; besides my mother of course

I walked in my modernized kitchen – with pale colors as decoration - and picked up an apple from the fruit basket. I looked around to see what I could pack for lunch; luckily I found some left over macaroni and just threw them in the bowl into my school bag.

I waited for Kyle to pick me up like usual.

I looked for any sign that my mother was in the house

Looks like she left early again today

I heard a horn go off, I ran out of the house locking the door with the keys before I jumped in his car.

"Hey babe" Kyle greeted when he met me

"Hey" I said, as I gave him a peck on the cheeks

He started the car and we drove on to school

"So where do you wanna go after school babe?" Kyle asked

"Anywhere, once it's with you" I said cheerfully

"Your house then" He said in confirmation

"No..., let's go to yours for a change" I rebottled

"I don't think that's a good idea, my parents aren't home, but I guess we can be responsible teens alone" he said smirking

"We can and we shall" I said

I was glad I finally got to see his house, he never wanted to let me see his place and I was glad today of all days I finally got him to agree.

We reached the massive school building just in time as the bell rang; we quickly ran hand in hand laughing until we reached the building and went our separate ways.

Miss Ruther was sitting on her desk reading orally the book we were working on, as she saw me, she cleared her throat and gave a small smile as I walked to the only chair that was empty at the front of the classroom

"Next time Morgan, try and be in class before the final bell rings" Miss Ruther requested

"I will Miss, sorry about that" I said

I sat down and the whole lesson was a blur because my mind was preoccupied on school ending so Kyle can take me to his house.

At lunch time, I sat down with Jane and Zen at our usual blue iron netted-looking table on the balcony; which perfectly made the park across the school seem striking.

Zen was busy on his laptop trying to hack into the science department network to retrieve the answers on some assignment that they had to hand in to their next class.

"I am telling you Zen, you will grow up to become an international hacker" I spoke

"That's what I'm planning Mog, but don't fear, I'll change if that's what you wish"

"Don't you go cocky on me Zen" I said

"Sorry Mog, it's in my nature" he said smiling

"As if you have one Zen" Jane interrupted, bored to death probably

"Hey! Be happy I'm actually doing this" Zen replied

"You're right, I'm sorry Zen, am not really in the mood to be interacting" Jane apologized

"When are you ever?" Zen questioned

I ate my macaroni and kept on watching the quarrel between the two, they never get along, and I was the one that actually made them come together.

Myother classes ended quickly than I expected and before I realized, my feet wereleading me directly towards Kyle.    

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