Chapter 10- It got Worse

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Ring..., ring..., ring 

I heard the line phone go as I entered the house. 

I quickly rushed to answer it, hopefully it's my mother.

"Hello?" I asked

"Is this Morgan Freeman"

"Uh...,who's speaking?"

"My name is Richard Hest; I am your mother's co-worker..."

"How can I help you"

"Can you come over to the St. Mary's  hospital please?"

"What happened" I asked again

"Your mother nee..."

I cut him off, I should have expected this

I knew something was off the day Kyle came over. 

I took the keys for the door, and my bag and rushed out the door. 

This was one of the days I wishes we could afford a second car, just saying..., I am now old enough to get a license and my own car but as I said, we can't afford it.

I hopped on the bus and took a cab to the local hospital, if this keeps up I wouldn't have enough money to get back home. 

I raced up the stairs and through the glass doors and to the receipts desk, finally allowing myself to breathe.

"My name is Morgan Freeman and I was informed my mother was brought here..."

"So you are Morgan Freeman" A man with black hair with white hair showing.., eugh, his old days wouldn't be good on him.

"Are you Richard Hest??"

"Yes, come...,"

He must have sensed my hesitation, so he took out his police badge to show he was a detective. 

I took a deep breath and finally relaxed, at least knowing he wasn't some random guy.

"Can we go? You must want to see your mother" Richard Hest said.

I only nodded my head and followed him though the series of halls and doors in the corridor. 

We stopped at the last door of the hall. 

Mr. Richard looked back making sure I was behind him as he opened the door, the anticipation was killing me 

I literally wanted to yell at him saying LET ME IN ALREADY!!!

I entered the room, taking in the environment, I didn't want to see my mother's lifeless body on the bed, anything but that but I knew I had to face the music like I always did, so I walked up to her bed and kneeled down the floor beside her.

I took in her cold hands, pleading to myself to get the courage to look at her face. 

As I did I wished I was the one in the bed instead of her. 

I regretted not supporting her, for not been smart and taking a part-time job to help her out even though we had enough 

"What happened??"

"The staff said she had a stroke caused by shock; witnesses confessed to seeing a wild animal before it happened....its very rare and when she was checked it was now known that on top of the stroke she also had low blood pressure and now at her rate she was said to be in a coma"

THE HELL.......

"Do you know how long or when she'll wake up?" I asked calmly refusing for my voice to shake in his presence

"No, i'm sorry, and it was my fault for the hospital to not have called you earlier, I stopped them but I tell you it was never my intention to worry you"

"What now?" I thought out loud

"I am a relative of your mother, so therefore I am taking you in my custody until she wakes"

"My mother never told me about you"

"No?? Well we'll have to sort that out now don't we"

I have a very unsettling feeling about this Richard Heist

"I guess so" I said

It still doesn't make sense! 

Why now of all times does he come now if he is a so called relative?? 

And why on earth did he stop the nurses working here to call me.., they know am her daughter and they all know me! 

What is he hiding?

"I don't want to be in your custody, I can stay by myself, if its a job I need to support her and myself I'll do it" I told him

"Sorry doll but am the only one you've got, your mother wasn't big on been friends with anyone, plus the fact that I am a detective would put your requirements out of hands"

I hated the fact he called me doll, who on earth goes about calling people dolls?

"Look here, I already paid for her and all, if you want to stay by yourself and not move to my home you've got it, under one condition"

Great! I was actually been happy for a second

I should have known he had some tricks up his sleeves. 

I gave him a weak smile and forced myself off the floor to the available chair and stared at him.

"What is it sir" I asked trying to restrain the venom sliding through

"You visit me three times a day and at least spend two days a week in my place"

I thought about it for a second, at least it was better than nothing



What have I gotten myself into?

He could be a freaking psycho or worse serial killer in disguise! 

"Good, we should let your mother rest, you can come whenever you like later. C'mon we don't have midnight to burn"

"Bye ma!" I said hoping she could hear me and be motivated to waking up

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