Chapter 7- Why Me?

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The next day, still no sign of my mother..., but I kept on believing she was alright

I called Jen so she and I could meet up at our usual café that day but she was 'busy studying with Zen's note the sarcasm, please. 

As I entered the cafe, I went up to the counter waiting for Melissa to come..., Melissa was one of my friends here at the café

Although she's much older than me but at the same time we have so much in common and I always go to her for advice.

I saw Melissa walk up to me smiling but her smile faded as she saw my red eyes and pale skin, she came to a stop at me and lifted my chin up to see my face properly

"Oh you poor baby..., what happened??"

"Everything has been such a disaster, Melissa!"

"Tell me all about it"

So I told her about how Kyle started acting weird yesterday and how he came to apologize and I told him off to dress and I told her about how worried I was of my mom and how me and Kyle broke up with me because of my foolishness and how Jane was 'studying' with Zen..., and didn't have time to come to my aid.

"You poor baby" she said again

I cried slowly to myself as Melissa rubbed my back

"So..., the usual??" She said in a question

I gave a half-hearted laugh.., she knew food always got me in a good mood.

"Yes please," I told her

"Ok..., coming right up baby," she said walking into the kitchen

A minute later she came back to my seat with my spaghetti meatball, hmm..., delicious! 

I finished eating as Melissa came back

"Ah..., really hungry huh?"

"Yeah..., I didn't eat anything since yesterday"

"Baby..., I know you think you should end your life, but you just have to look at the bright side, ok babe??"

"Yes Melissa..., thanks"

"Any time babe; I have to go back to work though, we'll catch up okay," she said walking off after she waved good-bye

I decided to go to the city park

I felt so lonely..., my friends may be secretly dating and I no longer have a boyfriend. 

I reached the park..., seeing children with their parents laughing or some with their dogs playing fetch

I smiled at a memory of when I came here with my mom when I was younger.

I sat on the bench which was near the pond where the ducks live..., the ducks were my other people I came to..., they listen to me

Plus every time they see me..., the quack about and join me on the bench. Joseph came towards me, oh, sorry, I named the ducks..., it's confusing how I know which of which because they were four white ducks..., but I always knew the difference between them, just like how they knew me.

I played with Joseph as he came on my lap, I softly stroke its neck..., he always loved it when I did that to him.

"Hey" A deep voice called on me interrupting my thoughts

I looked up to see a cute guy with blue eyes and curly brown hair..., he was well build-up and he wore a simple white shirt under his blue jersey 

My eyes slowly taking in his appearance until it reached his eyes again which had a huge smirk on his face..., goodness he's hot

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