Chapter 13- Trouble in Paradise

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Sunday came and went.

Hazan had to go back home but promised he'll pick me up for school (since he enrolled in the same school as me)

So at 6 I woke up and dragged my lazy ass to the shower, found clothes to wear for the day. 

Simple white crop top and a flower printed skirt that I wore with sneakers and my lucky black hat.

I went down the steps, noticing how quiet the house seemed. I exhaled and took an apple to eat for breakfast, you know what they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

My phone vibrated as I was jotting down groceries to buy for the house.

Jane had texted back apologizing for not picking up my calls.....and so on.

I put the phone in my back pocket as I gathered my homework just in time to hear Hazan's car engine coming to the house.

"Hey" He said smiling

I gave him a peck as I sat next to him.

"Ready for your first day of school?" I asked him

"No but you'll be there so yeah am excited"

"You'll get the hang of it, which subjects you taking anyways?" I asked him

"UH.....biology, ICT, literature, Spanish, math....what else oh and economics"

"You may be in the same literature, biology and ICT class with me..." I said

Secretly hoping we do share those classes

"I hope so too"

We arrived at the school's parking lot. 

I got out with my bag at my side waiting for Hazan. 

We walked in hand in hand, jocks mouth fell open as they saw me, jealousy radiating off them. 

The girls shocked and angry I had the new hot piece of candy in my hands

literally :)

"You stir up a lot of attention" He said after observing

"Yeah well, I was dating the school's idiot of a jock"

"Oh" he said nodding

The bell rang before I could say anything else so I quickly directed him towards the school's registry and I was so glad the subjects I mentioned we're the same one we were going to share. I couldn't help but hug him

First up was literature, we took up the empty seats at the back just before miss Ruther walked in greeting us as she set her bag down.

"Alright class I have a group project for you all and it would be worth 50% of your grades for this semester so please put a lot of imagination, creativity and above all else standard vocabulary"

Few groans were given off by the unserious students. 

I rolled my eyes, why were they even complaining? was basically English...they don't seem to be having a problem with it when they insult people or gossip about.

I glanced towards Hazan secretly hoping we get partnered up.

"Miss Morgan do you mind removing your hat"

I rolled my eyes and removed my lucky hat; angry he was ruining my efforts in looking good for Hazan

"Sorry; won't happen again"

"Oh my...before I forget class we have a new student by the name Hazan Prime....please come up and tell us about yourself before I assign roles"

Everyone's eye turned to stare at Hazan as he walked to the front of the class. 

I couldn't help but feel a little jealous with the hungry stares the girls were giving him like he was a piece of hello am his FATED...they needed to back off

Yikes when did i get this over-protective?!

"Um. Hey" He said a bit shy

"Hi" some of the mega blond fake girls said dreamily

"My name is Hazan Prime, I turned 18 years old a month back. Originally born in Hawaii but lived in Michigan most of my life till my father got a job here so yeah that's why am here in Toronto" he said

"Ah well good presentation; if you want to know more you have to approach Mr. Prime alone and especially not in my class time"

The girls groaned and the guys laughed.

Well at least I know today won't be a boring day :)

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