Chapter 15

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New chapter! I really don't have much time to actually update this story frequently but I'll try my best to make it up to u like for example A LONGISH CHAPTER FOR ALL OF U HERE! Hallelujah amen praise Jesus.


Walking to the park, I constantly unlocked my phone to check if Lance had texted me back or not. But there was nothing. I figured I'm still really early so looking around, I saw a small narrow path to the woods which apparently crossed around the park then into it. Shrugging to myself, I turned my direction to the woods and turned up my music.

Looking left and right, the trees seem so dead yet still so alive. All I could think now was actually how dangerous my situation is. A sixteen year old girl walking through a narrow path through the woods with nobody around.

But I couldn't deny that all I wanted was to have somebody, just somebody to run up to me and murder me. I was already dead inside and I just want to be released. Ana still controls me, Mia is trying to and Annabelle.. It was all too hard.

I guess if it wasn't actually for Lance I wouldn't even be walking here, or even alive. I was just that depressed.

The sudden gust of wind brought me to my senses as I wrapped my jacket tighter to me. The jacket didn't seem to make up for it's use, I still feel as cold as before.

I increased my pace of walking when my music was suddenly interrupted by my normal cell text tone.

'Must be Lance.' I muttered to myself. I realized that my tone of voice wasn't the excited type. It was weird, but probably it's because that Lance might ask me to have dinner there. I didn't want to eat.

'Im here already :) by the way my mom apparently is gonna cook dinner later for us. Is pasta alright?'


I sighed as I brought my fingers down the screen to reply him.

'I'm walking there now. And yeah pasta is alright'

I turned up my music louder and shoved my phone into my back pocket as I hastily walked towards the park.

Once I got out of the woods, I already saw Lance from the distance.

Hell I regret saying that I wasn't very excited to meet him. Just looking at his face and eyes just makes me want to jump right onto him and kiss every part of his face.

I shook my head and made a disgusted look at myself and walked towards him.

He was busy looking down at some squirrels on the floor, chewing on some stuff I wasn't able to tell. He looked so vulnerable at that point. It's like his smile just lights up everything, I didn't even know he likes animals in fact.

Hearing my footsteps, he looked up at me and his smile grew even bigger. My heart swelled instantly. I smiled back and gave a wave, while slowly walking towards the bench and sitting down to look at the squirrels too.

"So you like animals huh?"

I looked at him from the corner of my eye as I asked.

Giving a smirk, he replied

"Yeah. I can tell that you like them too apparently."

He then placed his hand on mine that was right beside him.

I gave a small giggle and looked down at the squirrels again. Well technically I was actually really nervous, I had nothing to say and I really don't know if I would actually say things that might scare him off.

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