Chapter 5 "disguise"

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I see a man walking to the center of the market while putting posters everywhere. They must have just started putting them up. The man stands on a cart and gets the markets attention. We walk over to see him reading a poster.

"Hear ye, hear ye, the Princess Alexandra is missing. Anyone that knows of her location or has seen her inform the castle immediately. Anyone that does shall be rewarded. There is a reward of 100 gold coins if she is found." He takes a large poster and puts it on the message board in the middle of the market.

"Zamira I have to get out of here. I will explain later." We make our way back. But the man stops us. I put my head down.

"You girls sure are eager to leave." He looks around and moves closer. "between you and me the castle was attacked and they now want the princess." Someone yells. "I have to go. Remember it's a secret or we will all be dead." He runs off. I look at Zamira. We start walking towards the forest.

When we get back to the cottage I tell Zamira everything. She just stared at me. "So you are the princess? You don't act like one." She asks.

"Yes I am Princess Alexandra. People always think princesses are weak and dull minded. Well I am not your ordinary princess, so those jerks will never find me. But lets keep this a secret if they find me I am a dead man."

"You mean woman?" She jokes.

"Yes. But not for long."


The next day I wake at sunrise. I feel as though I am free. I basically am, with no guards and free to do what I please. Zamira was still asleep. I walk around the cottage to see a little garden with all sorts of plants. And next to it a shed. I try to open the door but it is locked. So I walk back inside to see Zamira peeling potatoes. I start helping. "Zamira what is in that shed by the garden?"

"Just some old stuff of my brothers. He was in the army." She replies.

"Oh. Where is he now?"

"That's the thing I don't know. He's missing in action. I would go join the army and find him but..."

"Women can't join the army." I finish. "So that's going to change. Zamira do you know how to use any weapons?"

"Um. I can use a sword. Why?"

"Cause we are going to kick some butts."


I hope you enjoyed that. Sorry it's so short. I am just so busy. So feel free to comment. And I need to name the kingdom so if anyone has any good ideas please tell me! Thanks for the comments and have fun reading! :D

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