Chapter 12 "A Twist in the Plan"

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Chapter 12

“Finn!!! The sun is up and ready for the day!!!!!!” I open the curtains.

“Ugh... The sun is ready, doesn’t mean I am…” Finn groans and I kick the couch, making it move. He just groans again.

“Are you sure? Cause Zamira isn’t up and ready.” Finn groans again.

“Ok. Fine you can sleep till Zamira is ready.” Just as Finn lays his head back down, Zamira bursts into the room.

“Finn! Why are you sleeping at this time of day?!” Zamira cries, ripping Finns blanket off his legs. He groans, rolling onto his stomach and hiding his face in his arms as if he were a vampire.

“Come on, Finn,” I say, nudging him with my toe. “I’m not your mother.”

“That’s a relief.” Finn mumbles, but I’m already halfway out the door. I walk out into the small living space. Our supplies are laying on the ground in a pile. I walk past them and grab a bucket in the far corner of the room, it’s full of water. Dragging the bucket into the other room I see Finn still on the couch, acting dead. I quietly walk over to him.

“Oh I guess we can wait another hour, who knows. My father may be dead by then but oh well.” I look at Finn. He mumbles something under his breath, and moves into a more comfortable position. Smiling, i prop the bucket up onto the arm of the couch, and dump the water on Finn’s head.

“IN THE NAME OF MERLIN’S BEARD!!!!” Finn jumps up, blindly punching at the air. I laugh, and he comes back to his senses.

“Thanks for the bath, that was very unnecessary.” He glares at me, and stomps over to the fire. Zamira laughs with me, as Finn pulls off his uniform jacket.

“Do you mind?” Finn gestures to the door.

“We’ll be in the other room.” Zamira and I laugh, and walk into the main room.



An hour later we quickly make our way to the camp. Finn is dressed in his army uniform, he rides his stallion with his head held high and only turns his head to see if we are being followed. You would never have thought it was the real Finn.

We stop at an inn for a moment, to rest our horses, and get a bite to eat. The inn is a big barn shaped building, and looks abandoned from the outside. The roof shingles are falling off, and the dark maroon paint is very chipped. There is a big oak door, that squeaks when someone pushes it open. Above the door is a sign that says “The Lonely Liars Inn” it looks like its going to fall from its hinges.

“The lonely liar?” I raise my eyebrows, questioning Finn.

“Looks like the perfect place for you.” Finn winks. I just glare back at him.

We enter the old inn, and surprisingly its packed. A foul odor fills my nose, its the smell of smelly, drunk men. As Finn motions to a small table in the corner, I pull the hood of my cloak down, causing it to shadow my face. I look around at the men laughing, and calling for drinks as they get drunk to their bones, while trying to beckon the young ladies to their tables. I roll my eyes in disgust. We sit down at the table. Finn looks at me, and leans over so that only Zamira and I can hear what he has to say.

“Be sure to keep that hood over your head at all times, people can be a bit-” Just then a big man stands up in the middle of the room, and throws his mug on the ground, storming out the door.

“Well, I think you know what I mean,” Finn continues. “We aren’t only here to rest, I know a man who works as a sergeant in the army. If I can find him, he can help us.”

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