Chapter 9 "Escape from Mr. French"

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1 day till I Escape

Something moves. It's too dark to see anything. Something moves behind me. I turn so fast that I almost fall. Running across the wall was little mouse.

"Scared of a little ol' mouse, princess?" Duke mocks.

"Shut your trap, Duke. That's not it. I hear something else." But duke kept yappin. And a giant rat popped out, and ate the rest of dukes sandwich.

"Hey. That was my sandwich, rat." Duke scolded.

"I warned you." I say.

"Well at  least I still have my..." And the rat scurries back and picks up Dukes muffin. I try to hold in my laugh. "Ha ha ha, very funny. That was my only meal for the day." Duke complains.

"Well now you know how I feel."


At sunset they gave us our food. I was starving, one bowl of who knows what a day can mess you up. I learned that the slower you eat, the more you get out if it. I started to feed Finn. When I put the first bite into his mouth he punches me hard in the jaw. I slap him across the cheek.

"What is wrong with you?! Look before you punch! You could have broken something!" I say with anger. I never really think before I act. It's a bad habit. "Oops, sorry. I didn't mean to slap you. It's a reflex. Um, why did you punch me?"

"Sorry. I thought you were trying to poison me with that food."He replies, while rubbing his cheek.

"Who knows. It could be poison. I have been eating and look at me. I'm fine." I hold out my arms, and then wince. "Well I was till you punched me." I glare at him. "Wait a sec, you have been awake the whole time!"

"Yup. I was actin. Tryin to look weak." He says like it's no big deal.

"You sly dog! I have been feeding  you and caring for you the whole time and you have been awake?" I throw a punch at Finn. But he catches my arm in mid air. So with my free leg I kick the back of his legs and he falls to the ground. I tackle him, but my chain holds me back. We just sit there in silence, until duke snored.

"Has he been there the whole time?" Finn asks me, pointing to duke.

"Ya. But he's a deep sleeper nothing can wake him." I reply. "What are you doing here in the first place? I mean you're strong and can easily escape. If I can then you can."

"That is classified information, I might tell you. But not now. And you think you're escaping? Pfft. I have tried. Trust me, you would need one heck of a plan to escape this mess."He says.

"We'll see about that." I mutter.


Escape day; midnight

I hear a clock chime twelve. Then a crash and yell. Zamira has come. I run to the corner and grab the pin. I pick at the lock on the chain and click it opens. I stand up and walk over to Finn. I kick him, and he jolts up.

"Comin sleepy head?" Finn looks at me weird, then realizes that I am unchained."Um..." He started to say, but I cut him off. "Yup pretty boy, lets go." And I quickly unchain him.

I grab the brick and hand it to Finn. He understands and walks to the 'door' of the cell. I pick at the lock and kick the door wide open. Duke wakes and stares at us. I nod and Finn clunks duke on the head with the brick. We start running.

As we reach the top of the steps we are in a room with men all over, I see Zamira with a group men surrounding her. All she has is a sword in one hand and a ball of fire in the other. Then I see a kitchen knife the size of a dagger sitting at the nearest table. I run to grab it. But that's when a guard spots us. He was too late I had the knife in my hand. The guard pulls out his sword, and swings it towards me. I dodge it and smack the side of my blade on his thigh. But he strikes again and I block it. Strike, block, strike, block. We follow this pattern until the man tires. That's when I kick hard and he falls to the ground. I stand with triumph.

But thats when Mr. French (I decided to give him a nickname) walks in. I tackled him. He throws me off like a rag doll. I hold the knife in front of me. He throws a punch, I dodge it. He kicks me, but I just roll under him. Then he grabs me by the neck. I can barely breath, I kick and kick but he doesn't let go. Then something big hits his head, and he drops me. While I catch my breath I look over and see Finn with a rock in his hand. Mr. French grabs my leg, I take the knife and cut his hand.  Then I realize that the place is on fire. I run to Finn.

"We have to get out of here!" I yell over the noise.

"I know! But how there is a fire blocking every exit! " He yells back. We run to Zamira. She is the only one that isn't freaking out.

"Grab my hand!" She yells at us.

We do as she says. Then suddenly I feel dizzy. And we were back at the cottage. We had escaped.

I am super dizzy and I feel sick. I can't walk straight. Zamira and Finn are helping me walk inside the cottage. I feel like I am going to pass out.  Then everything goes black.


Sorry I took forever writing this. I am trying to make the chapters longer. Anyway, hope you liked it. And if you still need answers about things you will find everything out in the next chapter. Thanks for reading! :D 

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