Chapter 7 "Not what you're expecting?"

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At sunrise we wake. Zamira goes to the market to get our supplies, while I stay behind and fix up all the weapons we are to use. We had two swords, one bow, two daggers (including mine) and lots of dents. I get to work. First I start sharpening the swords and daggers. I build a small fire, and set a table and a hammer by it. Now for the hard part. I heat the sword in the fire and start pounding. The metal glowed bright red. When I finished the swords gleamed silver. I hear a creak at the door. An old beggar man walked in. Luckily for me I hid most of my hair in a hat, and had ash smeared all over my face. I was unrecognizable.

"Excuse me young man, have you seen a maiden here?" He says.

"What may this maiden look like, sir?" I said in my deepest voice.

"She's nasty I tell you. She has wicked blonde hair and big blue eyes that shine with evil. I tell you she wicked." He was talking about Zamira.

"Sir I have not seen such maiden. Now if you will go, I have work to do."

"Son, you look very familiar. Have I seen you before? Why don't you take that little ol hat off?" I inch back and get ready to grab the sword.

"I have never seen you before. Now please leave or I will have to make you." I say a bit shaky.

"You're scared huh? Well lets see what we got." He slips up behind me and pulls off the hat. My long hair falls around my shoulders. I spin around and hold the point of the sword to his throat.

"Never do that again, understood." He nods . I step back a bit. But that's all he needed. He quickly moves his fingers blowing a high pitch whistle. Suddenly two big men appear at the door. I scream. One tries to grab me but I was faster. I hear thunder and lightning booming. A man grabs me from behind, I twist his arm and kick him to the ground so hard that he goes unconscious. One down two to go. The old man tries to run off with some of Zamiras herbs. Lightning strikes him and he goes down. The last one caught me off guard and grabs my arms from behind and kicks my shins hard, I fall to the ground. He grabs my hair. I shriek in pain."So this is the little run away." He spat. "I came here for a witch and I found the wanted princess." He whistles and a boy about my age with shaggy brown hair and dark blue eye walks in. He looks like he's been beaten a lot. "Yes, Sir." He says a bit shaky.  "Tie and gag her." The boy came up to me and tied me up. While he was binding my hands  he whispers in my ear "My name's Finn. I am held prisoner as well. Don't struggle, I've tried to escape but they are to crafty."

"Boy, hurry up and gag her, before she comes to her senses." That's when I realize I can scream. I tried to shriek at the top of my lungs, but Finn put his hand over my mouth. 

"Remember what I said." He whispers sharply. When Finn finished gagging me, the man orders him to ready the horses. The man comes to me and checks the ropes. Finn tied them loosely and if I had the strength i could wiggle out. He kicks me hard and pain rushes through me. Then he reties everything tightly. My wrists and ankles now hurt. My gag is so good that if I try to scream I can barely hear myself. He grabs me by my hair and starts dragging me out the door. I feel like a rag doll with a child pulling me along. I look up and see some sort of wagon cage. The man throws me in there and bolts the door. "Just so you don't pull any tricks on us again. Last time we under estimated you." Then he walks over to Finn. "I told you to tie her tight! Not lose so she can get free!!!" The man rips off Finns shirt, pulls out a whip and lashes him hard. Finn falls to his knees, but the man keeps lashing him. Finally when the man stops,  he throws Finns shirt back at him and chains his hands to the horse and makes him drag behind the horse. Torture I tell you. He is lucky to be alive. These people are cruel. 

We start moving, all I see is Finns hands chained and his limp body being dragged. But then out of the corner of my eye I see Zamira staring at me wide eyed.


Hey guys thanks for reading!!!! I am sorry id that last part was creepy, but I needed to show how cruel they are. Sorry for taking for ever to write this. I was very busy. I will try to update asap!!!! Thanks!!! :D

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