Who Says I'm a Bad Girl?

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  • Dedicado a My bad side ;)



That was the word that changed my life.

I was sitting in the head teacher’s office that to me smelt of Brandy and toffee, staring at him like he was stupid. How could he do this to me? This was a little harsh for beating up Greg, who by the way deserved his sprained wrist and black eye; I told him to stop spreading those rumours about me but did he listen… no he did not. Idiot!

“What do you mean expelled?” Ok I may be blonde but I know what expelled means, this was bad for me because my mother was going to flip. I had already gotten in some trouble with the police last week so I really didn’t need this.

Mr. Richardson smiled sadly and linked his old wrinkled fingers together on his smooth, mess free wooden desk.  I never liked him the moment I came to this school, he took one look at my impressive file and told my mum that he would ‘mend my ways’. I nearly laughed but a sharp look from my mum, I swallowed down any hint of a noise. Mr. Richardson was a tall man with grassy green eyes and skin so pale I always thought he was ill. He was in his late fifties and by the look of the imbedded rings underneath his eyes and the wrinkled skin across his face and hands I could tell that he had led a busy life.

“Erika, you are a wonderful girl but I feel that your spirit is too wild for this school”. I rolled my eyes and blocked out his speech of freedom and the lessons learnt in life, I had heard it all before. His dark green office and matching carpeted floors, was a room I had been in to many times to count.  The single framed window looked out onto the busy school car park; and the light that danced through bounced off the many metal frames on the wall, each containing Mr. Richardson’s achievements in life. 

The room was fairly simple, with one very expensive oak desk, a green leather seat that looked like it had seen better days and the assortment of flowers and pictures of his wife and kids. The seat I was sitting in was like an old friend, it was again wooden and the seat and back rest was covered in brand new black leather, all in all very comfy.

“Remember Erika, life has many doors so just choose the right one”. I rolled my eyes at his last sentence “sir, give me one last chance and I promise that I will open the right door”. I gave him my sincere voice and my begging eyes but he just shook his head and that my friends was that.

After emptying my locker and glaring at the many wandering eyes of my now old school, I slowly made my way home. I threw my heavy bag into the passenger seat and stalked round to the driver’s side, before I could open the door I noticed Greg cradling his now bandaged arm and sporting a very impressive black eye. His girlfriend of four moths named Samantha, who was blonder than me hugged and kissed his cheek as they both walked past me. She was the queen of fake with her pink car, tight clothes and heels that should be illegal. I gagged at the sight but Samantha seemed to notice, she glared before marching over to me. Well when I say marched what I mean is, her trotting like a horse in her spiked heels that I wished would snap and cause her to fall and break her new nose.

I shook my head free from my happy thoughts when Samantha was inches from my face; I wrinkled my nose at the sickly smell of her perfume. By the murderous look on her thickly layered makeup face I knew I was in for a treat. “You bitch! How could you hurt such a gentle and hot guy like Greg? Those rumours about you and the thefts are true so don’t go hitting the messenger”. I rolled my eyes and stepped towards her liking the way she suddenly didn’t look so brave anymore, I had a reputation and Samantha should know better than to get in my face. “Here is the deal Samantha, you can run along and play slut with your boyfriend and I will forget that this ever happened. Or you carry on and I will show you what happens to fake little blondes, and let me tell you…” I stepped in close and whispered in her ear “it’s not pretty”. I pulled away and smiled as she gulped and took of clipping in her heels to her idiot boyfriend.

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