Chapter 8

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Thanks to everyone who has pateintly waited for this chapter. I had meant to upload it sooner but I have been busy with a load of other things.

I know its not a lot but the next chpater will be long x x 

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There was no point in denying it; seeing Sophie’s face twist into what resembled a spoiled child having a tantrum made my day… no year!

“Who the hell did this?” I stood by Jake as we and few other people watched her scream and point over the scratch that ran right down the side of her red car. Her eyes connected with Jake’s and she once again screamed and pointed at the damage, “honey look what some wild thing did!” 

I raised my eyebrows; ‘wild thing’ was she being serious? I had been called many names in my life so far, but I didn’t know what to make of ‘wild thing’. 

Jake shuffled on his feet; the evidence was clear in his face and posture that he didn’t have a clue on how to handle this situation.

Then the worst thing happened… Sophie cried.  

The worst thing in life, except police officers, was girls crying. I could never handle a girl crying her eyes out while complaining that her life was over; I mean why cry when you can go and beat something or someone up? That was my way of life. 

Jake immediately ran to her and encased her in a warm embrace, and that annoyed me to no end. Why did he have so much affection for a woman who cries over a car? I mean they were obviously rich, so a re-paint wasn’t out of the question.

She looked up at Jake with red puffy eyes and ruined makeup, “how could someone do this?”

 Jake held her closer “honey it’s just a car”.

 That statement annoyed Sophie; she stood up straight while pushing him away, “do you know how much this car cost? 

 Jake laughed “yes I do because I bought it for you”.

 “Well what a surprise, the blonde doesn’t pay for her own things”, the words left my mouth with a big smile on my face. Yes, I may be blonde myself but Sophie took being blonde to a whole new level… besides my hair colour is real.

 The crowd of strangers laughed and sniggered but Sophie didn’t find it so funny; with a finger pointed at me and an angry scowl plastered on her face she spoke “you did this!” 

 I placed my hand on my chest and faked the best puppy look “little old me? How could you think that Sophie?” 

Sophie stalked towards me; her face being inches from mine so that I was able to smell her salty tears that stained her cheeks. “Don’t lie to me Erika”

 “I’m not lying. I’m just shocked that you could accuse me of something so shameful”. I was fighting back the smile and laughter because; the glow of anger in her eyes amused me greatly.

 Her hand went for me and I was fully prepared to defend myself and dish out a few hits when her arm was caught by my charming dad. His eyes were loving but held a stern look as he faced her “don’t hurt her Sophie”.

 She was going to protest but by the look of Jake’s face that was out of the question. Jake realised her arm and kissed her gently on the head “I love you Sophie, but I don’t think Erika had anything to do with this”. He looked at me “isn’t that right?”

I nodded “completely”. If only she could hear my inner laughter and thoughts, stupid fake blonde.

 He smiled and wrapped Sophie in a warm embrace “I will sort out the car ok, so how about I give you my credit card and you can go shopping?”

 Sophie’s eyes lit with a glow of excitement and greed; how could he love someone that acted like a child? 

 She pulled away and smiled “only if I can use the one with no limit”.

 Jake nodded and the proceeded to kiss like teenager, one word, disgusting.

 I turned away from them and pulled out my lighter and cigarette. The crowd had thinned out since Jake and Sophie had started kissing but there were still a few wandering eyes on me as I lit my cigarette and took a much needed drag.

 “Put that out immediately”.

 I groaned at the sound of my dad’s voice; I was tired and not in the mood but if he wanted to battle me over my precious cigarettes then bring it on. When I looked back at him, Sophie was wrinkling her nose at the smoke and my dad had a disgusted look painted on his face. I held the cigarette between my fingers and sighed “look, we can argue about this until the cows come home but the simple fact is I smoke and I like it”.

 “I will not have my daughter smoking”.

 I scoffed “oh, so I’m your daughter now? How very convenient seeing as I haven’t been since I was two years old."

Some of the anger dispersed out of Jake to be replaced by guilt, but his eyes still held the need to enforce this rule. “Put it out now”.

 “Nope” I popped the ‘p’ and before he could utter one more word, I took a long drag from my cigarette and walked away. He called my name but I continued on without a care in the world.

 If he wanted to be a ‘dad’ then he would have to realise something….

 I don’t do well with rules. 

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