Chapter 6

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My mother sighed heavily while looking at me. I could clearly see the disappointment in her eyes, I was behaving inappropriately and it was annoying the hell out of her. I should of cared, apologise to Jakes slut and moved on but that was never going to happen.

My mother turned towards Jake, “excuse us for a moment”. Jake nodded and when my mum warmly smiled back I was fuming and totally confused. She hadn’t seen him since he had walked out and had only just recently gotten back in touch because of me, and the decision didn’t seem to be lightening up. My mother shifted nervously on her feet and gripped hold of my arm where she proceeded to drag me to the side, I knew that an earful was coming and I had no intention of listening to her.

“I see you don’t hold a grudge against Jake” I spoke in a flat voice as the annoyance of her being so cool around him was bubbling inside of me. I knew my mum still respected him because she had loved him all those years ago but I thought that being here in the same space as Jake and his slut would bring some anger out of her. Instead all I got was smiles and warm glances to him, just pathetic.

“Stop calling him that Erika.”

“Why? It’s his name and its either Jake or sperm donor, your choice.”

“Call him dad because that what he is too you”.

I laughed, full on laughed. She really couldn’t be serious could she? My mother wanted me to call the man who left us for a blonde slut ‘dad’.

I leant against a small tree trunk and laughed until my stomach tightened in pain, if one good thing came out of all this then it would be that I had laughed. I wiped the tears and stood up straight to look at my mum who did not look happy, her pink lips were pressed together and her eyes glared at me.  “Are you finished?”

I nodded “thanks for that mum; I haven’t laughed like that in ages”. She groaned and ran her hands over her face causing her skin to stretch before reforming, “Erika I’am trying to help you so please just be nice and enjoy your time here”. She was literally begging me but I didn’t care and how could I when she was literally forcing me here against my own will?

“I can’t do that when I don’t want to be here!” I spoke on the verge on shouting; and as I glanced at the side and noticed a few people watching our little conversation. One brunette haired girl who was staring at me trying to be nosey earned her my middle finger.

 My hand was slapped down, “god Erika I can’t take this anymore. You’re staying here whether you like it or not and when you come home I pray that this attitude had gone”. I crossed my arms and swallowed down the swear words that were begging to be said, I opened my mouth to speak but she turned and left me standing there.

I scurried after her as she reached Jake, “I’m afraid we have to leave now”.

My eyes popped out, “why? We have just got here.”

 My mum didn’t even look at me, “Sam has his church meeting soon and I have work”.  Jake actually looked disappointed, “oh well if you have other plans then…”

I cut him off “so what, she can cancel them because she is not leaving me here”.  Jake smiled warmly at me “Erika it won’t be so bad, I’am going to help you”.

“There is NOTHING wrong with me!” He was pushing me slowly off the cliff and once I fall there was no going back; I was holding back my anger but he was making it very difficult.  They all were.  

Jake didn’t get the chance to say any form of an apology as Sam and my mum began their good byes. “Thanks for this again Jake; you don’t know how much we all need this”.

They both hugged “I’am happy to help”.

I stood there dumb founded, why the hell were they acting all so civilised to each other. Sam was actually shaking Jakes hand and then proceeded to hug the ‘slut’. This couldn’t be real, I was either dreaming or had died and gone to hell because this was pure torture.

The moment Sam and my mother left, Sophie smiled and looked over at me “were going to be such good friends Erika”. Her voice and her words were what snapped me out of my state of shock; I looked her squarely in the eyes and watched as she actually flinched under my glare.

“Shut the hell up!”

Jake gripped my arm and tried to calm me down but I ripped myself away from his grasp and began to run.

I ran through the watching crowds, back through the house just managing to jump over my boxes and out the front door. I skidded to a halt and then slammed myself on the front of the slow moving car, my mum screamed and Sam just looked too shocked to say anything.

“Erika what are you doing?”

 I slid of the car and went round to her window, “mum don’t leave me here. I can’t stay with a man who hasn’t been in my life because he choose that ‘slut’ over us. I promise I will ease up on the partying, the drinking and maybe one or two smokes a day but just don’t leave me here with these freaks.” I hated how pathetic I sounded but I needed this lie to sound convincing, I had no intention of keeping that promise but she didn’t need to know that.

I could tell it was working because her eyes softened and she gripped my hand that rested on the rim of the window. I thought she was going to tell me to go get my things and that she was taking me home but instead she said “I love you Erika so much. I know this is hard for you but being here is what’s best”.

She released my hand and I silently watched her drive away.

Well this sucks. 


I'am really sorry about the long wait! Ive been swaped with course work and what not, so I managed to type this little bit up for you. 

Vote and comment x =-)

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