Chapter 17

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I had so much fun writing this chapter. Things really kick off and I hope you enjoy more of bad girl Erika xxx


(Not edited) - Feeling lazy lol xx


“So remember to smile and just have fun.”

I kept my face pressed against the cold glass of the car window, lazily watching life go by. “This is school we’re talking about. How the hell am’I supposed to smile?” My voice was dull and boring but I was half asleep and annoyed as hell.

“Ok maybe asking you to smile is too much.” Jake pulled up into the school car park. “Just try and not piss anyone off.”

I took of my seatbelt, my hand then reaching down to grab my school bag. “Watch your language dear father. Don’t you know it’s a filthy habit?”

I slammed the car door before Jake could speak, smiling as I waved at his frustrated face. I was going to play it cool and then have my fun at the right time.

I barely paid attention to my fellow students who hovered around the ground of the school. I scoffed at the typical groups that stuck together, especially the football players who I gifted with flipping them the bird. Such perverts.

Walking into the school office I was actually disappointed to see a new face sitting behind the reception desk. “Oh! What happened to Mrs Long?”

The new woman was in her late twenties with cropped brown hair and a smile that could light up any room; and it wasn’t because of her warm personality. She had obviously taken an interest in whitening her teeth because the sheer whiteness of them hurt my eyes. As her lips stretched into an even bigger smile I was subjected a colour that was whiter than paper.

“She has taken some personal time off while she sorts some personal issues out at home. But my name is Hannah Grace and I’am here to help.”

Dropping my bag on the floor, I shifted sideways to perch myself on the edge of the desk. The task was not easy as Hannah had most of its wooden surface covered in picture frames and old take out coffee cups. “Let me guess. Husband problems?”

Hannah gasped. “You already know then?” I faked curiosity and excitement, the task quite hard when the need to giggle had arisen from seeing pictures of cats in Hannah’s picture frames. “Turns out that Mrs Long had breast surgery because her husband eyes had been wandering. It wasn’t working and it hit the fan when some new girl called her out on the whole ridiculous idea.”

I smiled. “I wonder who the girl was? Did she help?”

Hannah nodded while leaning back in her blue office chair. “Sort of. Mrs Long filed for divorce and has gone on holiday.”

I slid of the desk. “Smart woman.”

Hannah giggled. “So how can I help?”

“I’m the new girl.”


“So class today we have a new student and I would like us all to welcome Miss Erika Harley.”

My feet scraped across the floor as I slowly made my way to the front of the class. I wasn’t nervous about being here but I suddenly felt so uncomfortable in my grey school skirt and white shirt. Eyes stared at me and I just really wanted to go home.

“Why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself? But in this class we have a motto.” Mr Blake my form and English teacher signalled to his class with a very vibrant wave of his arms. “Keep the facts simple.” The voices of the other students were dull and uninterested; seeing their faces suddenly gave me an idea.

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