Chapter Two

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Riley's POV:

Finally, after about ten minutes, I'd had enough. I despised crowds, especially crowds of screaming fangirls. I finally got the boys' dinners to them, and made a mad dash for the kitchen. Ten more minutes, twenty, thirty... forty-five minutes later, and a few security guards finally ushered the crowd away so that the boys could finish eating.

As soon as they were done, and almost everyone else in the restaurant had left, I brought them their ticket. Placing it on their table, I smiled at them.

"How was everything?" I asked as the Sandy hair guy signed the ticket.

"It was great!" Blondie replied.

"So... Five Seconds Of Summer, huh? Is that a regular occurrance?" I asked with a slight laugh. Red hair, who I now knew as Mike, from what I'd heard Blondie call him, laughed and nodded.

"Almost everywhere we go." He responded.

"It must be great, being so famous and popular," I commented as the ticket was handed back to me.

"Sometimes, yeah. Other times, not so much." The dark haired one told me.

"Yeah, sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming, and sometimes annoying, all the screaming teenage girls." Sandy hair guy added. I nodded in understanding.

"Well, I hope y'all enjoyed your dinner. Have a nice night!" I said, as I walked back toward the register to put the money in. After I'd finished typing on the register and returned to the table, the boys were gone. I sighed and began cleaning the table up, it being last one to clean. Macy, one of the other employees was in the kitchen washing up the dishes, and was the only other one here.

I was wiping the crumbs and other leftover food pieces away, when something caught my eye. A small piece of tissue paper with a note scribbled in messy handwriting:

Hopefully we didn't creep you out. I really do like your hair. You're the nicest waitress I've ever met. :) Call me?
Michael -

Underneath that, was a phone number. And under the note, was the largest tip I'd ever received. I smiled as I held the money in my hand. I wouldn't even get to thank them.

I tucked the note and money away into my back pocket, where it stayed until I got home that evening.

I'm Not Fine At All  》Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now