Chapter Eighteen

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Riley's POV:

We walked into a small restaurant type place, but there were also games, bowling, and a bar in the far off corner. It was like some little arcade/fun center, and Michael must have been there before.

"Are you hungry?" I heard my stomach growel, and we both looked down at it. I laughed.

"Yeah, I'm a little hungry."

We ordered some food and sat down at a table, and looked around. There wasn't just an insane amount of people here, but there was a decent sized crowd. I was glad that Michael and I weren't being swamped at the moment, but that was quickly ruined when a high, girly voice sounded behind me.

"Michael? Is that you?" He looked up and I turned around to see a tall, quirky blonde girl with way too much makeup and wearing revealing clothes. I mean, her skirt was at least six inches too short, and the neckline of her pink blouse was showing more cleavage than it was covering up.

"It's me," He replied slowly. She... frowned?

"Wow. For a while there, I didn't think Mr big shot would ever show back up around here."

"Well I did."

"So I see." She flicked her hair over her shoulder and turned her fake face toward me. "Who's the little friend?" He stiffened and grabbed my hand in his own.

"None of your concern." He said through clenched teeth. I didn't know who this girl was, but I knew that something must have gone down between them in the past, something that was causing him to act this way.

The girl smirked and narrowed her eyes. "Oh, I see, you're trying to replace me, aren't you? Well I've got news for you. She's a sucky replacement. And I'll tell you this too... You sleep with one girl, you've slept with them all." My eyes widened and I looked at Michael, who was fuming as he stood up.

"Ashley, leave. I've had enough of you. I'm sick of you. Leave!" He said, actually stomping his foot down and pointing back to a group of people who were apparently her friends. She grinned and looked at me.

"Bye, loser."

I watched her walk away as my mouth went dry. Michael looked down at me, and his eyes softened. I looked at the ground as he tried to take my hand again, but I quickly pulled it away.

"Riley, please don't listen to her. She's a liar, and I'd never-"

"I just need a minute." I said quietly, standing up and walking away.

I left the building and walked into the pouring rain. When I was finally alone, the tears spilled over and I felt my heart breaking slowly. The way that girl talked about Michael and her hooking up hurt, because he never told me about that, and I'd wished he had. It's not like I was angry that he'd done it, I was upset that he never said anything, and I didn't know if he even planned to. I was also angry at Ashley, for being so forward and hurtful about it. She obviously didn't care about feelings, and just wanted to make our relationship miserable.

I don't know how long I wandered around in the rain, I didn't bother to keep track of time. I just walked and walked, trying to get away from today, probably for hours.

I eventually came to a small road with no cars, and just one dim, buzzing streetlight. I walked over to the light post and sat down, hugging my knees to my chest, and began sobbing uncontrollably.

Eventually, the already grey sky darkened, and night began to fall. It had been hours since I left Michael in the restaurant. Unfortunately, I'd left my phone sitting on the table next to him when I ran out, so I couldn't reach anyone. Maybe that was a good thing? I didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment, especially not Michael.

But I did want to get out of the rain, and there were no buildings in sight. I looked for a street sign, and saw nothing. I had no idea where I was, and had no idea where I'd come from. I was the definition of lost.

I grew tired, and leaned up against the light post as my eyes drooped. The rain came down harder, and I shivered when a bolt of lightning hit in the distance... only, it didn't go away. Suddenly, the bolt turned into two, and I could see what they really were; headlights to a car, which was apraoching speedily, then stopped a short ways away from me.

The next thing that happened was unclear, as I slipped in and out of consciousness, but I remembered someone running to me, and hearing a familiar voice as I was lifted up in a pair of arms and carried to the car. I remembered being wrapped in a blanket and buckled in, then I totally blacked out and heard nor saw anything else.

I'm Not Fine At All  》Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now