Chapter Eleven

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Michael's POV:

We had been sitting, answering questions and telling stories for a little over two hours. I was hoping that Riley was doing alright, being alone for so long. She knows we her way around the hotel room and all, but I couldn't keep her off my mind.

I was worrying like a new mother.

Luke snapped his fingers in front of my face, bringing me back to what we were doing. I looked up and everyone was looking at me expectantly. I had totally missed a question that was directed toward me. "What?" I asked, and they all chuckled.

"Someone's a bit distracted..." Calum mumbled from the other side of Luke.

"Shut your trap, Hood." I snapped somewhat jokingly, and everyone laughed.

"He asked, 'Who's the girl you were seen with in Starbucks a few days ago?' " Ashton spoke up from his seat next to Calum. I smiled at the thought of Riley.

"She's, well... umm... Her name's Riley. She's a waitress at this really great burger joint, where we met her." There were 'ooooohs' from around the room, and I looked at the table we sat at and played with my thumbs.

"Tell us more," the radio host pushed.

"Well, I could go on for days, but I'll try to cut it short. She's eighteen, and is quite possibly the sweetest, prettiest, and kindest girl I've ever met. She's so much like me it's scary, but it's a good thing, because I know I can talk to her, and she'll understand." I was thinking back to the night before when we talked. She did understand, and she cared.

"So, everyone is thinking it, I'm going to ask... are you two dating or not?"

"Not yet..." I smiled and the boys wiggled their eyebrows.

"Well, we're going to take a short break, but we'll be back in ten." The radio host said, and our mics were turned off. The boys and I sat around, sipping on our water and chatting, but then my phone suddenly went off in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw Riley's name on the screen, and smiled as I pressed answer.

"Hey Riley, we were just talking about-"

"Oh god Michael, I was afraid you wouldn't answer!" I heard her crying voice on the other end of the line, and my smile dropped. The boys looked at me with questioning expressions, and I held up a finger mouthing the words, "one minute." Then I got up and left the room.

"Riley, what's wrong?" I asked the second I made it out into the hallway. It was hard to understand her because of the sobbing, but I managed to make it out.

"I... I-I went b-back to my d-dad's apartment to get some stuff... a-and he was there... he... he..."

"What did he do? Riley, what happened?" I could feel the anger rising every second that passed as I listened to her crying.

"He c-cut me," She replied, and I almost punched the wall. How could a man treat his own daughter with so much hatred?

"How bad?" I asked.

"H-half way up the th-thumb to the wrist, on the l-left hand."

"Ri, where are you right now?"

"I'm s-sitting in my room. I t-tied a sock around it to s-stop the bleeding. My door is locked b-but he's still out there." She sniffled. "Michael, I'm scared." She whispered. Just the way she said that broke me. This was going to end.

"Hold on," I said, then opened the door to where the other boys were, and poked my head in. "Guys, I have to go. It's kind of an emergency." They looked at me like I was crazy. "Riley's dad went a little knife crazy." That was all they had to know, before they were practically shoving me back out the door and down the hall.

"We'll cover for you." Luke said.

"Yeah, you need to help Riley." Ashton added.

"Thanks guys." I replied, before running out to our car and jumping in. I gave our manager Riley's building address, then put the phone back to my ear. "Riley, are you still there?"

"Yes," She answered.

"Pack your things the best you can, I'll be there in five." I told her.

"Michael, your interview-"

"The boys are covering for me. This is more important than that interview." I cut her off. "Don't worry, I'll be there soon." And with that, I hung up, before she could argue back.

It was closer to three minutes before the car came to a stop in front of her building, due to all of my yelling and threatening at our manager between the conversation I had on the phone with the police. Before the car even made it to a complete stop I was out the door and running into the lobby. I dashed up the stairs, rather clumsily, I might add, and ran down the hall to her door.

I knocked on the door, but got no answer. Not a shocker, there. I turned the knob and opened it, the smell of alcohol instantly hitting my nose. I didn't see her father anywhere, until I stepped in and heard a noise in the kitchen. The man appeared in the doorway to the small kitchen, clutching a bottle of whisky in his hand. There was blood on the other hand; Riley's blood.

"Sir." I tried to stay calm as I looked at her father. He looked me up and down and grunted.

"Who are you?" He snarled. I didn't move a muscle, afraid that if I took a step forward I'd lose control and attack him.

"I'm here for Riley."

"Riley is going nowhere." He said in a forceful tone.

"Riley!" I called, and I heard her door unlock from down the hall. She opened it and stepped out into the hallway, and I turned away from her father. She stood there, her face pale as she held her left hand with her right, the sock soaked with blood. Without a second thought, I practically ran to her, and took her in my arms. She was shaking uncontrollably, and cried into my chest as I stroked her hair. "Have you packed what you need?" I whispered to her, and she nodded, her face still hidden in my shirt.

I kept my arm secured around her shoulders, as we walked into her room and I picked up her bags. We turned around and left the room, headed toward the door, but we were stopped by her dad. He stood directly between us and the door, a knife raised in his hand, pointing it at me.

"Y-you! You will not take her away! She's my daughter!" I pushed Riley behind me, and she held onto my arm for dear life. I dropped her bags and held my hand up, backing slowly away from him. My other hand held tightly onto Riley's, and I could feel her shaking behind me. Her frail voice spoke up.

"Daddy, d-don't hurt him," I tightened my grip on her hand as the man stepped forward again.

"Don't you dare tell me what to do!" He roared. He lunged forward, and I felt the knife slice my forearm open. I didn't yell, or cry, for the sake of Riley behind me, but I did yank my arm back and stepped away again. It was then that I heard the sirens blaring outside the nearby window.

I heard the door burst open, and the police screaming for her dad to drop the knife. I heard Riley screaming my name as I slowly fell to my knees. I heard her sobbing as I slowly slipped into darkness.


Author's Note >

Yeah... sorry for the short crap chapters that I'm throwing out here. I'll try to make a long one next time. :) keep on commenting and telling me what you think, I love reading your thoughts on this.

Love yall! ♡♡

Ri ~

I'm Not Fine At All  》Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now